Our research seeks to understand the psychological mechanisms underlying information search, representation, and integration, with a focus on how individuals of all ages gather and evaluate evidence to make decisions under risk and uncertainty. We are committed to theoretical and methodological pluralism, embracing diverse approaches to deepen our understanding of these processes.
Current Research Topics
Research Funding
The links below offer information about ongoing or completed research projects conducted at the Center for Cognition and Decision Sciences.
- DIAMOND: Delivering the next generation of open Integrated Assessment Models for net-zero, sustainable development (Horizon Europe)
- What is risk preference? (SNSF Project)
- The Foundations of Successful Financial Decision Making (SNSF Sinergia)
- Understanding age-related changes in individual semantic networks and their role in cognitive aging (SNSF Project)
- The Aging Lexicon (Consortium)
- Mapping the Ecology of Risk Taking (SNSF Ambizione)
- Age Differences in Risk Taking (SNSF Project)
- Improving Discharge Communication in the Emergency Department Through Information Structuring (SNSF Project)