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/ News, Studies

Prüfungsanmeldung an der Juristischen Fakultät HS24

Informationen des Studiendekanats der Juristischen Fakultät
[Translate to English:] Zumbach-Basu Jelena

/ News, People

Prof. Dr. Jelena Zumbach-Basu - Professor of Forensic Psychology starting on October 1, 2024

The University Council has appointed Professor Jelena Zumbach-Basu as professor of forensic psychology in the Faculty of Psychology. She will take up her professorship in Basel on 1 October 2024. Zumbach-Basu is currently professor of…

/ News, Research

Targeted misinformation trivializes climate change

Ninety-nine percent of climate scientists agree that the climate crisis is caused by humans and that the burning of fossil fuels is the main driver of global warming. Despite this, most people underestimate both the sheer unanimity of…
Current Adobe Stock

/ News, Organizational Unit, People

Change in the Dean's Office

Regular elections were held at the Faculty Assembly on December 13, 2023.  Starting from February 1, 2024 the Dean's Office will comprise the follwing members: Dean Prof. Dr. Rainer Greifeneder Dean of Studies Prof.…
Henninger Mirka

/ News, People

Prof. Dr. Mirka Henninger - Statistics and Data Science

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Mirka Henninger will take up her professorship in Statistics and Data Science at the Faculty of Psychology on February 1, 2024. Mirka Henninger studied psychology at the University of Mannheim and…
Mürner-Lavanchy Ines

/ News, People

Prof. Dr. Ines Mürner-Lavanchy - Youth Mental Health

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Ines Mürner-Lavanchy will take up her professorship in Youth Mental Health at the Faculty of Psychology on March 1, 2024. Ines Mürner-Lavanchy studied psychology at the University of Bern where she…
Helen Koechlin

/ News, Research

The expert on pain in children

Chronic pain in children was not taken seriously for a long time. And greater awareness is still needed today. Psychologist Helen Koechlin's research is helping with this. Helen Koechlin sits at the bistro table in the Zurich station…
Code of Conduct

/ News

Code of Conduct

The University of Basel is committed to a culture of dialogue and to the values of integrity, respect, openness, equality and inclusion. Discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment are not tolerated. All of us - professors, students,…
Lalot Fanny

/ News, Research

Where trust ends: Fanny Lalot explores the consequences of betrayal

Fanny Lalot deceives others. Only within the scope of a study, however. The psychologist wants to find out how trust is built and broken. This is not her only research topic: Lalot seeks to shine a light on all sorts of human behavior. …

/ News, People

Change in the Dean's Office - Election of the Dean of Research

In the faculty assembly on 21.12.2022 Prof. Dr. Rainer Greifeneder has been elected as the new dean of research. The faculty congratulates Prof. Greifeneder on his election and wishes him every success. From 01.02.2021-31.01.2023 Prof. Dr.…