What is the VPN client used for?
The VPN client is used to authenticate the individual user in our network and at the same time enables the user to access university resources from home.
When do I need the VPN client?
There are two scenarios for which you need the VPN client:
- You are in the WLAN unibas-public and want to access internal services from the University of Basel or the Faculty for Psychology. If you only require Internet access, use the eduroam network (see above).
- You are at home and want to access your data on university servers or use university library services (e.g. e-journals).
Instructions & Download: https://its.unibas.ch/de/anleitungen/netzwerkzugang/anleitung-vpn/
RDS access is graded to operate applications that are not installed locally on the computer. The user establishes a connection with the so-called Windows Terminal Server and the graded application is automatically started there. SAP GUI (SAP Graphical User Interface), for example, is one of these applications.
Store, synchronize, share and edit files quickly and reliably - all in the secure SWITCH cloud.
- To gain access to SWITCHdrive, you will need a SWITCH edu-ID. If you are not already mandated to have one, create one at https://eduid.ch/web/registration/.
- If you already have an edu-ID, you can log in to SWITCHdrive via https://drive.switch.ch/index.php/login.
https://its.unibas.ch/de/anleitungen/applikationen-websites/adam/ADAM(Advanced Distribution And More) is a web-based tool, a platform on which files and links are provided on the Internet. Lecture notes are made available here, internal seminar workspaces and forums are set up and assignments and seminar papers are submitted.
- Video presentation (i.e. presentation and a video with the lecturers) with OBS Studio
- Subsequent upload to Panopto and linking to the ADAM workspace of the course.
- Complexity and effort: Low to medium
Supported by the New Media Center
- Embed a voice recording directly into your presentation or make a sound recording with your smartphone independently of a PowerPoint presentation. The New Media Center has created a step-by-step guide on how lecturers can publish lectures online as easily as possible.
- Complexity and effort: Low
Photo kasto - stock.adobe.com