In parallel to publishing your research findings in a peer-reviewed scientific journal, it is considered good practice (and often required) to make the raw data supporting your findings available to the research community. This allows other researchers to reproduce your results and reuse them in subsequent research. When you complete your study, you may want or need to make your data available.
The Open Science Framework(OSF) is a web-based platform that enables researchers to organize their research projects, store research data, foster collaboration and make research transparent. OSF supports the sharing of data, preprints, protocols and other academic resources to promote pending and reproducibility. It is a tool that helps to implement the FAIR principle (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) in research and to connect the academic community.
Swissubase is an open access data repository specifically for psychology and behavioral sciences. It enables researchers from Switzerland to share, archive and make their research data accessible in order to promote pending and reusability. The platform follows the FAIR principle (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and supports the dissemination of psychological research.
Zenodo is an open source platform for academic research data and publications, developed by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). It enables researchers to share and archive their data, preprints and published articles free of charge and promotes pending and collaboration in the academic community. Zenodo ensures secure and permanent storage of academic content.
PsychArchives is an international open access platform for archiving and sharing research data and materials in the field of psychology. The platform promotes transparency and pending in research by enabling supporters to share their data, preprints and materials. PsychArchives follows the FAIR principle (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and provides a central source of psychological resources to support researchers worldwide.
Further repositories
see here (University of Basel)
or here (
- Exchange large volumes of data with SWITCHfilesender, where files can also be encrypted
- Hold online meetings and webinars with SWITCHcast
- Secure cloud service for Swiss higher education institutions with SWITCHdrive
To gain access to SWITCHdrive, you need a SWITCH edu-ID. If you are not already mandated to have one, create one at
Research data is increasingly made pending through data archives, supplementary material in academic journals and on the websites of research groups.
Multidisciplinary and disciplinary archives can be found using Re3data - Registry of Research Data Repositories - .
Some data sets can be found via Google, Google Scholar or special search engines for data, e.g:
Photo credits
alphaspirit -