The Master Science Track is aimed at students in the Social, Economic, and Decision Psychology Area who wish to start preparing for a scientific career during their Master studies. Admission enables participation in the Ph.D. program workshops, allowing students to develop a deeper understanding of the four research areas and methodologies in social, economic, and decision psychology.

Master students wishing to be admitted into the Master Science Track should address a letter of motivation (a few sentences on why you would like to join the program) to the Chair of the program (Prof. Dr. Rainer Greifeneder) and send this, together with their CV, to the coordination office (email). Following admission, Master students may participate in the Society and Choice Ph.D. Program workshops.

The number of participants for the workshops is usually limited thus admission to the Master Science Track does not guarantee participation in all workshops.

Members -  Modul Science Track im Masterstudium

NameMaster Project
Lara ChesiUlf Hahnel, Psychology of Sustainability and Behavior Change
Lars HänggiAnna-Marie Bertram, Social Psychology
Antony Berbert de Castro HüslerRui Mata, Cognitive and Decision Sciences
Amanda HolzerRui Mata, Cognitive and Decision Sciences
Lukas LichtnerRui Mata, Cognitive and Decision Sciences
Majlinda MaliqiMelissa Jauch, Social Psychology
Melvin MartiSandra Andraszewicz, Economic Psychology
Kathryn Eileen MoroN.N.
Nils MüllerFanny Lalot, Social Psychology
Michael NussbaumN.N.
Kim RotarisFanny Lalot, Social Psychology
Luca ScarperiN.N.
Hanna StöckliRui Mata, Cognitive and Decision Sciences
Gina VigoritoJörg Rieskamp, Economic Psychology

Alumni/ae - Modul Science Track im Masterstudium

NameMaster Project
Tanja KuhnRainer Greifeneder, Social Psychology
Lea NahonRainer Greifeneder, Social Psychology
Fiona OertigRui Mata, Cognitive and Decision Sciences
Tehilla Mechera-OstrovskySebastian Gluth, Neuroeconomics
Markus SteinerNathaniel Phillips, Economic Psychology
Cathrin Georgette Schödler     Jörg Rieskamp, Economic Psychology
Kevin TrutmannSebastian Gluth, Neuroeconomics
Mirjam ThaliMatthias Keller, Social Psychology
Peter LüdiRainer Greifeneder, Social Psychology
Alina GerlachRui Mata, Cognitive and Decision Sciences
Dominik MaioriRainer Greifeneder, Social Psychology
Nadia HaldimannMatthias Keller, Social Psychology
Alina RicciusRui Mata, Cognitive and Decision Sciences
Vera SasiMatthias Keller, Social Psychology
Flavia PircherMatthias Keller, Social Psychology
Dominik MeierMarkus Schöbel, Economic Psychology
Christiane BüttnerRainer Greifeneder, Social Psychology
Rebecca GötschMariela Jaffé, Social Psychology
Myra Olivia Fischer Melissa Jauch, Social Psychology
Samuel AeschbachRui Mata, Cognitive and Decision Sciences
Loris JeitzinerMariela Jaffé, Social Psychology
Cristina DelmenicoJörg Rieskamp, Economic Psychology
Sophia PrixRui Mata, Cognitive and Decision Sciences
Nina FringsRui Mata, Cognitive and Decision Sciences
Robin Brüggemann   Elianne Albath, Social Psychology
Anna-Marie BertramMariela Jaffé & Fanny Lalot, Social Psychology
Maja KohlerRui Mata, Cognitive and Decision Sciences