
Modul Forschungsinhalte


Modul Forschungsmethoden

  • Advanced Bayesian Statistics
    • Teacher: Prof. Dr. Matti Vuorre (Tilburg University)
    • Dates: 14.11.2024 & 15.11.2024

Modul Überfachliche Qualifikationen

  • Application of AI in Research and Teaching for Psychologists
    • Teacher: Christoph Kenntemich (University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)
    • Dates: 24.10.2024 & 25.10.2024

See Program GSP

Past Workshops

Modul Forschungsinhalte

Modul 1: Leveraging Social Media for Scientists
Teacher: Sonja Utz

Modul 1: Introduction to Political Psychology (SED-PSY)
Teacher: Lene Aarøe

Modul 1: Construal Level Theory
Teacher: Nira Liberman

Modul 1: Ostracism
Teacher: Kip Williams

Modul 1: Social Psychology
Teacher: Clayton Critcher

Modul 1: The psychology of self-report: Questions and answers in psychological research
Teacher: Norbert Schwarz

Modul 1: A cognitive approach to lie detection
Teacher: Aldert Vrij

Modul Forschungsmethoden 

Modul 2: Python for Psychologists
Teacher: Tomas Knapen

Modul 2: Practice-oriented Introduction to the Version-control System Git
Teacher: Philip Jakob

Modul 2: Titel: Collecting Data Efficiently through Sequential Analyses
Teacher: Daniel Lakens

Modul 2: Reproducible Research Projects on the Web With R
Teacher: Lisa Reiber

Modul 2: Bayesian Multilevel Models using R
Teacher: Emma Zang

Modul 2: Introduction to Eye Tracking
Teacher: Agnes Rosner

Modul 2: Mixed Models for (Longitudinal) Data Analysis
Teacher: Dale Barr

Modul 2: Multinomial Models (SED-PSY)
Teacher: Morten Moshagen

Modul 2: Ambulatory Assessment (SED-PSY)
Teacher: Ulrich Ebner-Priemer

Modul 2: Mixed Models for (Longitudinal) Data Analysis (SED-PSY)
Teacher: Dale Barr

Modul 2: Registered Reports (SED-PSY)
Teacher: Hans IJzerman

Modul 2: Workshop on reproducible research projects on the web with R (SWE)
Teacher: Lisa Reiber

Modul 2: Bayesian Modeling Advanced  (SWE)
Teacher: Stefan Radev

Modul 2: Best Practices in High Performance Computing and Data Visualization (SWE)
Teacher: Rubén Cabezon, Geoffrey Fucile und Wandrille Duchemin

Modul 2: Practice-oriented Introduction to the Version-control System Git (SWE)
Teacher: Philip Jakob

Modul 2: Choice Modelling (SWE)
Teacher: Stephane Hess

Modul 2: Collecting Data Efficiently through Sequential Analyses (SWE)
Teacher: Daniel Lakens

Modul 2: Bayesian Modeling Introduction (SWE)
Teacher: Stefan Radev

Modul 2: Structural Equation Modeling in R in Social, Economic, and Decision Psychology
Teacher: Paolo Ghisletta

Modul 2: Introduction to the Socioeconomic Panel (SOEP)
Teacher: David Richter & Theresa Entringer

Modul 2: Introduction to Neural Networks
Teacher: Dirk Wulff

Modul 2: Mixed Models
Teacher: Dominique Muller

Modul 2: Big Data
Teacher: Thomas Hills

Modul 2: Eye-Tracking Methoden in der Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Entscheidungspsychologie
Teacher: Agnes Scholz

Modul 2: Introduction to R in Social, Economic and Decision Psychology
Teacher:Teacher: Benjamin Scheibehenne

Modul 2: Structural Equation Modeling in R in Social, Economic, and Decision Psychology
Teacher: Paolo Ghisletta

Modul 2: Sequential Sampling Models in Social, Economic, and Decision Psychology
Teacher: Timothy Pleskac

Modul 2: Moderation/ Mediation
Teacher: Dominique Muller

Modul 2: Mixed Models
Leitung: Charles Judd

Modul 2: Evidence-Accumulation Models
Teacher: Andrew Heathcote

Modul 2: Bayesian Statistics
Teacher: Richard Morey

Modul 2: Meta-Analysis
Leitung: Wolfgang Viechtbauer

Modul 2: Moderation – Mediation II
Teacher: Dominique Muller

Modul 2: Reinforcement Learning
Teacher: Elliot Ludvig

Modul 2: SOEP workshop
Teacher: David Richter & Lisa Pagel

Modul 2: Bayesian Analysis
Teacher: Thorsten Pachur

Modul 2: Statistical Power Analysis Using G*Power 3.2: Theory and Practice
Teacher: Edgar Erdfelder

Modul 2: Mixed Models mit lme4
Teacher: Douglas Bates

Modul 2: Using Field Experiments in Economics
Teacher: John List

Modul 2: Python for Psychologists
Teacher: Tomas Knapen

Modul 2:
Statistical Power Analyses: Basic and Advanced Use of G*Power and MultiTree
Teacher: Edgar Erdfelder

Modul 2: Building and Testing Theories
Teacher: Klaus Fiedler

Modul 2: A SEM Approach to Longitudinal Data Analysis: From the Basics to Recent Developments
Teacher: Manuel Völkle

Modul Überfachliche Qualifikationen

Modul 3: Grant Writing
Teacher: Daniela Jopp

Modul 3: Meet the Editor
Teacher: Aaron Benjamin

Modul 3: Herausforderungen in der Führung (GSP)
Teacher: Dr. phil. Urs Tschanz

Modul 3: Writing for Publication in Psychology (BGSP)
Teacher: Stephan Meyer

Modul 3: Conflict Management (BGSP)
Teacher: Carl Emerson

Modul 3: Thesis Defense Training (BGSP)
Teacher: Malte Engel 

Modul 3: Scientific Writing for the Public and Online Media (SED-PSY)
Teacher: Oliver Genschow

Modul 3: Coaching für Lehrende in herausfordernden Zeiten (BGSP)
Teacher: Eva Buff Keller

Modul 3: Writing Productivity: Tools and Techniques (BGSP)
Teacher: Philipp Mayer

Modul 3: Visualize your Science (BGSP)
Teacher: Evelyne Trutmann

Modul 3: Meet the Editor 
Teacher: Dolores Albarracin

Modul 3: Introduction to Leadership Skills (BGSP)
Teacher: Carl Emerson

Modul 3: Writing Productivity
Teacher: Philipp Mayer

Modul 3: Meet the Editor
Teacher: Isabel Gauthier

Modul 3: Research Funding for Junior Researchers
Teacher: Agnes Hess

Modul 3: Grant Writing
Teacher: Alexandra Freund

see also Fortbildung Universität Basel