Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Psychology
The Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Psychology is a standing committee that reviews and assesses research projects proposed in the field of psychological research at the Faculty of Psychology for ethical compliance, with the aim of ensuring both the protection of study participants and proportionality between the risks and benefits of the research investigation. This does not apply to research projects that are assessed by the cantonal ethics committees in accordance with the Federal Act on Research Involving Human Beings (Human Research Act, HRA 810.30, 30.09.2011).The Ethics Committee is independent of instructions and recommendations. The committee consists of four members of the Faculty of Psychology and one external member with proven ethical expertise. The procedures and composition of the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Psychology are governed and documented by regulations.
Applications and submission of applications
Applications may relate to individual applications or framework applications. Framework applications are those where an research paradigm or a specific research method used for several individual studies is assessed for ethical considerations. Once approval has been granted, the research paradigm or research method can be used for individual studies on comparable groups of people without further authorization.
The administrator accepts applications at the request of the respective member/s of the Faculty of Psychology by email, checks that they are complete, ensures that they are assessed within the deadline, and informs the applicants of the decision in writing. Applications can be submitted by email at any time and assessments are carried out on an ongoing basis. The recommendedapplication form is is provided by the Ethics Committee. The Ethics Committee usually decides on authorization within 30 days of receiving the complete documentation.
Studies can only be conducted if a safety concept is adhered to. This concept must be submitted to and confirmed by the management office of the Faculty of Psychology before the start of the study.
Review and decision-making process
Two reviews are obtained for each application. Reviewers are proposed by the department professors from among their respective members and confirmed by the Faculty Assembly. The decision of the Ethics Committee is made in consideration of the reviews, but is not bound by them. The Ethics Committee’s decision is made on the basis of a discussion of the cases and reviews. The members of the Ethics Committee vote independently on all applications by simple majority decision. Research projects are assessed on the basis of the the ethical guidelines for psychologists of the Swiss Society of Psychology (SGP) and in accordance with the Human Research Act. Any subsequent federal regulations remain reserved.
The following decision categories are possible: A) Acceptance, B) Acceptance with conditions, C) Acceptance with significant conditions, D) Rejection. There is a two-stage procedure for deciding on an application: The first step is to decide whether the application can be accepted in principle. Categories A–C count as accepted and category D as rejected. If the application is accepted in principle, a decision is made in a second step on the allocation to categories A–C according to the simple majority principle. If an Ethics Committee member does not provide an explicit assessment of an application by the deadline, the suggestion from the reviewers is automatically adopted as the assessment. If the suggestions of the two reviewers differ, the more negative assessment is chosen. If the decision is negative (simple majority in favor of category D), the application is rejected.
Accepted Category C applications must be resubmitted to the Ethics Committee after revision. Accepted Category B applications contain conditions that must be subsequently fulfilled by the applicants without the application having to be resubmitted to the Ethics Committee. If the applicants are subsequently unable or unwilling to fulfil a condition, a resubmission is mandatory. The rejection of a project application means that the Ethics Committee does not consider the project to be ethically without objection. Rejected Category D applications can generally be resubmitted to the Ethics Committee. Reference must be made to the rejected application and the main points that have undergone changes must be mentioned.
Links und Downloads
- Application form (please submit by e-mail) (DOCX, 173.47 KB)
- Guidelines and template for assessors (PDF, 519.31 KB)
- Regulations (PDF, 301.50 KB)
- Ethics Committee Northwestern and Central Switzerland (EKNZ)
- Human Research Act (HRA)
- Verordnung über die Humanforschung mit Ausnahme der klinischen Versuche (Humanforschungsverordnung, HFV)
- Ethical guidelines of the Swiss Society of Psychology
- kofam – the Federal Office of Public Health’s (FOPH) portal for human research
- Declaration of Helsinki
- Dr. Dorothee Bentz (Chairperson of the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Psychology)
- Prof. Dr. Rui Mata
- Prof. Dr. Alexander Grob
- Prof. Dr. Jens Gaab
- Dr. Tenzin Wangmo, Institute for Biomedical Ethics, University of Basel
- Economic Psychology: Dr. Markus Schöbel, Florian Seitz MSc
- Cognitive and Decision Sciences: Dr. Loreen Tisdall, Dr. Maximilian Theisen, Zahra Rahmani MSc
- Developmental & Personality Psychology: Dr. Emily Meachon, Dr. Leila Teresa Schächinger Tenés
- Clinical Psychology and Epidemiology: Dr. Marcel Miché
- Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy: Prof. Dr. Jens Gaab, Dr. Antje Frey Nascimento
- Social Psychology: Dr. Melissa Jauch
- Statistics and Data Science: Dr. Mirjam Laager
- Youth Mental Health: Prof. Dr. Ines Mürner-Lavanchy, Dr. Noemi Walder
- Katarina Bobalova (ek_psychologie@unibas.ch)
Office days: Monday - Thursday
Cover picture: © kwarner / stock.adobe.com