Strategy: Focused Diversity
With its strategy of Focused Diversity (Development and Structure Plan 2022–2025), the Faculty of Psychology is creating the basis for the sustainable development of an excellent, agile and efficient research, teaching, further education and work center. This center is open to social concerns and is regionally visible through cooperation and services; it strengthens the identification of its members, units and groups with the University of Basel through promotion, participation and transparency; additionally, it opens up new opportunities through cooperation with university and regional partner institutions.
In order to strengthen research and teaching in psychology, the Faculty will have established a total of eight new professorships between 2022 and 2025 to complement the existing professorships in the core research areas “Society & Choice” and “Health & Interventions”. These new professorships strengthen the excellent research at the Faculty and optimize research collaborations and the attractive range of courses on offer.
The first core research area, Society & Choice, concentrates on human behavior in its social and economic environment, addresses key societal challenges of the future (such as climate change, sustainable management, demographic change and digitalization in many areas of life), and establishes links to economic research.
The second core research area, Health & Interventions, is dedicated to mental health and its disorders, conducts research into improved diagnostics, causal relationships and possible interventions to improve mental health, and establishes links to medical research.
The aim of focusing on two core research areas is twofold: First, to enhance the attractiveness, potential and visibility of the Faculty of Psychology's research and teaching internationally and, secondly, to promote first-class international research work and the acquisition of third-party funding.

Universität Basel
Fakultät für Psychologie
Missionstrasse 62
4055 Basel
Titelbild: © Tobias Arhelger / stock.adobe.com