The habilitation is an important milestone in the academic career of researchers and aims to establish them in their specialty and confirm their academic qualifications. Candidates demonstrate their competence and expertise through independent research, teaching, and scientific publication. The academic assessment is carried out by the Dean of Research and two other assessors, who evaluate candidates’ research achievements as well as their teaching and supervision activities. At the end of the successful habilitation, the title “lecturer” is conferred together with the authorization to teach and supervise students in a scientific field at the university.
Teaching obligation
By accepting the title, lecturers undertake to offer courses free of charge and to assess the performance of students. As a rule, this obligation covers at least two hours of teaching per week at the University of Basel (§ 15 of the University of Basel habilitation regulations).
Candidates submit an application (see documents) for the conferral of the Dr. habil. and, if applicable, the authorization to teach (usually in psychology) together with the following documents:
- Curriculum vitae (in English)
- List of publications
- Tabular explanation of the fulfillment of the quantitative criteria (see below)
- Brief description of the research and scientific contribution (research statement, in English, max. 10 pages)
- Suggestions for reviewers (see below)
- Proof of teaching skills (see below)
- Three possible topics for a trial presentation (see below)
- Selected publications (cumulative habilitation) or monograph
Further information
Specifically, the habilitation regulations of the University of Basel and the supplementary procedural regulations for habilitation at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Basel apply.

Universität Basel
Fakultät für Psychologie
Missionstrasse 62
4055 Basel
Titelbild: © Tobias Arhelger / stock.adobe.com