The Bernoulli Network for the Behavioral Sciences is a joint initiative of the Faculty of Psychology and the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Basel, with the aim of fostering interdisciplinary dialogue in the behavioral sciences. The initiative honours the polymath Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782) who contributed greatly to conceptions of probability and risk that are central to Psychology, Economics, and related disciplines.
The Sustainable Future research network at the University of Basel brings together researchers from five faculties. Its aim is to strengthen thematically focussed research in the field of sustainability at the University of Basel and to provide a platform for targeted activities and networking. The network is currently focussing on three thematic areas: energy, (bio)diversity and the sustainable digital world. The network is committed to topic-specific knowledge transfer and targeted public relations work, which should increase the visibility of sustainability research at the University of Basel in the medium and long term.

Universität Basel
Fakultät für Psychologie
Missionstrasse 62
4055 Basel
Titelbild: © Mar Vilà, Pupilaphotography