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CSL Behring Research Acceleration Initiative / Call 2024 - 2nd Announcement

The University of Basel has been selected among a limited number of the most excellent academic institutions worldwide to be part, for the 4th year, of the CSL Behring – Research Acceleration Initiative (RAI) 2024. In 2022, the University of Basel was among the few successful institutions being awarded with the RAI, as you can see the link below this announcement.
1. Goal
The Program aims to fund innovative biotherapies in the given list of Therapeutic Areas (modalities and focus areas, see presentation in attachment). In particular, the Program focuses on early stage projectswith the potential to impact therapies for patients in CSL Therapeutic Areas while strengthening the local Proof-of-Concept (PoC) capability and ecosystem.
The program is not meant to fund entrepreneurial ventures/start-ups, but to support and enable bold innovations to have an impact on people’s health, in collaboration with CSL Behring.
2. General Conditions
The CSL RAI 2024will provide successful candidates:
- with funding up to 400k USDover two (2) years;
· close collaboration with CSL scientists during project activities as, e.g.:
- scientific and in-kind support
- reagent generation for PoC testing
- lead candidate identification and optimization
- access to in-house assays, models, tools
- be employed at the University of Basel, at the University Hospital Basel (USB), or at the University Children Hospital (UKBB);
- your project proposal must have a strong fit with the Therapeutic Areas, Modalities and Focus Areas provided in attachment.
3. Further Info, Timeline & How to Apply
CSL Behring is offering two RAI webinars / info sessions for scientists in 2024 (see also flyer in attachment):
- Tuesday January 23, 2024 @ 10:00 – 11:00 CET (MS Teams Link)
- Wednesday January 24, 2024 @ 16:00 – 17:00 CET (MS Teams Link)
If you are interested, please save this in your calendar!
Deadline & Application
- The applicants will have to submit online a non-confidential 300 word abstract by Feb., 27th, 2024.
- Successful applicants will be required to follow-up with non-confidential proposal and, after a CDA is established, with a confidential full-proposal + final interview.
Interested researchers are invited to email Naja Nyffenegger (naja.nyffenegger@clutterviforpharma.com) for information and online application instructions, as well access to the application portal (see flyer in attachment).
The Innovation Office is keen to provide you support: please send a message to alessandro.mazzetti@clutterunibas.ch to get more information about the application – given the upcoming Winter holidays, any support will be provided after Jan. 8th, 2024.
4. IP Conditions
Applicants must be aware that this is not an unrestricted grant but that there will be obligations towards CSL Behring if you participate in this program. Most important obligations are the following:
· Both the pre-proposal (and the following full-proposal are non-confidential) - be careful not to disclose too many details of your idea in the pre-proposal that you submit to CSL Behring.
· IP-Rules will be negotiated case by case with successful applicants.
For questions related to IP and confidentiality, please reach out to your Unitectra contact (or mail@clutterunitectra.ch if you don’t have a dedicated contact yet).
List of Attachments
· Global RAI 2024_Scientific flyer_unitectra.pdf
· CSL TTO 2024 RAI info session_Europe_APPROVED.pdf