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Grants Office News - October 2021

Grants Office News October

The Grants Office ensures that the University of Basel can exploit its full potential in obtaining competitive research funding.


Dear Researchers of the University of Basel

On 17 September, the Swiss Federal Council decided to initiate transitional measures for programmes under Horizon Europe that are not accessible to researchers in Switzerland. These include the mono-beneficiary grants of the European Research Council ERC and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). Just one week later, the SNSF published the documents for the 2021 calls of ERC Advanced Grant and MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship.  Transitional solutions will also apply to ERC Starting Grants and ERC Consolidator Grants for 2022 in the event that Swiss researchers are not eligible to submit project proposals for these calls. With this newsletter we would like to inform you about these calls and draw your attention to our training for the ERC Starting- and Consolidator Grants.

Please note that participation in collaborative projects of Horizon Europe remains open to researchers in Switzerland. This concerns ERC Synergy, MSCA Doctoral Networks, most programmes under the “Global Challenges” pillar of Horizon Europe as well as EIC Pathfinder and EIC Transition. For further information please contact us or visit the Euresearch website.

The Grants Office Team

Anita Soltermann, Eve Silfverberg, Caroline Peneff-Verheyden, Susanne Daniel and Luca Wacker