/ News, Forschung
SNSF Consolidator Grant, Advanced Grant 2022

The SNSF has received the mandate to implement transitional measures for the ERC Consolidator Grant and will launch a “SNSF Consolidator Call” in March. Interested researchers will need to pre-register by 1 May 2022 and submit their proposals until 1 June 2022. Earliest project start will be 1 February 2023. More information will follow in the next weeks. To ensure that you receive all information please let us know when you intend to apply.
If Switzerland’s status for Horizon Europe has not changed by the end of April, similar measures for the 2022 Advanced Grant Call will be considered. Such measure are foreseen for the second-half of 2022.
The aim of the federal council remains, full association to Horizon Europe and therefore full participation in the ERC programme.