/ News, Forschung
Upcoming Events on Collaboration and Funding Opportunities in Horizon Europe for Social Sciences and Humanities

On the 15th of June 2022, an onlineBrokerage event for researchers in Social Sciences and the Humanities (SSH) who are working in the following areas: biodiversity, environmentally friendly food systems, circular economy, Zero waste, climate change, inclusive rural and urban communities is taking place.
This is a free one-day virtual event to learn about how SSH is included in the future calls in the above mentioned areas (see the attached informal guide for further details) and to meet potential consortium partners.
On the 22nd of June (12:30-14:00), our Euresearch colleagues from St-Gallen are organising an Information event on Horizon Europe Cluster 2: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive society.
Information on the content of the next work programme (2023-2024) in cluster 2 and conditions of participation will be provided: What are the topics, where to find them, how to read them? The different parts of the proposal, especially the impact section will be discussed, as well as how to build a strong consortium. You will also be able to learn from the experience of a last year's call’s successful applicant.
All interested researchers active in the field of social sciences and humanities (SSH) are welcome to join the event online here
If you have questions or particular points you would like to address, please don’t hesitate to contact Grants Office / Euresearch Basel