The Faculty of Psychology has a strong research focus and aims for scientific excellence. Continuous improvement of research performance is an important strategic goal. The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) of the Faculty of Psychology is an integral part of the quality management strategy of the faculty dedicated to helping assess and develop the faculty’s research performance.

The SAB is comprised of external experts with a high international reputation. The SAB reviews the faculty’s research performance and advises on its strategic orientation and organization. Specifically, the SAB supports the Faculty of Psychology in fostering a collaborative research environment in which all members are empowered to continuously increase the quality and impact of their research. The expert advice of the SAB contributes to the quality development of the Faculty of Psychology, ultimately increasing its visibility and reputation within the scientific community as a leading institution in the field of psychology.

Scientific Advisory Board Members


Prof. Miranda van Tilburg (Chair)

Professor of Medicine, Marshall University
Adjunct Professor of Medicine, University of North Carolina
Affiliate Professor of Social Work, University of Washington

Marshall University
Joan C Edwards School of Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine
1249 15th Street Huntington WV 25701


Prof. Stephan Lewandowsky

BA (Wash.College), MA (Tor.), PhD (Tor.)
University of Bristol
Beacon House
Queens Road
Bristol, BS8 1QU / UK


Prof. Terrie E. Moffitt, Ph.D.

Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
Duke University
100 E. Franklin Street
Suite 200
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-8100 / USA


Prof. Dr. Christian Unkelbach

University of Cologne
Faculty of Human Sciences
Social Cognition Center Cologne
Richard-Strauss-Strasse 2
DE-50931 Köln / Germany


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