Prof. Dr. Alexander Grob

Division of Developmental and Personality Psychology
University of Basel
Missionsstrasse 60/62
CH - 4055 Basel
Telefon: (+41) 061 267 05 71; (+41) 061 267 05 70
Fax: (+41) 061 267 06 28
- FullProfessor and Head of Division Personality and Developmental Psychology, U of Basel
- Founding Director Graduate Program Schoolpsychology, Developmental Diagnostics and Educational Counseling SEED, Department of Psychology, U of Basel
- Director Master of Advanced Studies Child and Adolescent Psychology, U of Basel
- Research Councillor of the Swiss National Science Foundation (Division IV: Programmes)
- President of the Steering Committee of the National Research Program 76 Welfare and Coercion
- 2012-2014: Dean, Department of Psychology, U of Basel
- 2001-2005: Full Professor and Head of Division Personality, Individual Differences & Diagnostics, U of Bern
- 1999-2001: Associate Professor for Developmental and Educational Psychology, U of Bonn, Germany
- 1998-1999: Assistant Professor for Developmental and Educational Psychology, U of Basel
- 1997-1998: Senior Fellow, Department of Psychology, U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Il
- 1991-1997: Senior Researcher in Child and Adolescent Psychology, U of Bern
- 1997: Habilitation ofthe Philosophical-Historical Faculty of the University of Bern, Switzerland
- 1990: Doctorate ofthe Philosophical-Historical Faculty of the University of Bern, Switzerland
- 1984: Master of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Major: General, Developmental and Educational Psychology; Minors: Clinical Psychology
and Philosphy
- Moritz Lazarus Prize of the Philosophical-Historical Faculty, University of Bern, Switzerland for the best die dissertation in the Social Sciences (1991)
- Athena Grant Young Investigator Grant of the Swiss National Science Foundation (three year post-doc research grant; 1997-1999)
- Numerous invited keynote talks at various international conferences
- 2003-2008: Swiss Association of Psychology
- 2010-2015: Editor-in-Chief European Psychologist
- Early intervention and later achievement of disadvantaged children and ddolescents
- Assessment of intelligence and developmental status across childhood and adolescence
- Cognitive, motor, and socio-emotional development in the first two decades of life
- Co-Development in personality in close relationships
- Personality development across the life span
- 1991 - 1999 Coordinator «Euronet on Adolescence», Comparative Study on Context and Development of Adolescents in 11 European Nations (Swiss National Science Foundation SNF and Swiss academy of Humanities and Social Sciences; CHF 30.000)
- 1992 - 1995 Co-PI «Veränderung von Kontrollmeinungen» (SNF; CHF 190.000)
- 1993 - 1995 PI «The Berne Youth Study» (SNF; CHF 63.000
- 1993 - 1996 Co-PI NFP33 «Schulalltag und Belastung von Schülerinnen und Schülern in der Schweiz und in Norwegen» (SNF; CHF 520.000)
- 1996 - 2003 PI «Development of Regulation of Well-Being» (SNF Athena-Program; CHF 367.000)
- 1997 - 2000 PI «Selbstverwirklichung als postmoderne Entwicklungsaufgabe: Konsequenzen für Lebenslauf und Lebensentwurf» (SNF SPP «Zukunft Schweiz»; sfr. 323.000)
- 1997 - 2000 Coordinator joint project «Freiheit und Zwang zur Individualisierung» (SPP «Zukunft Schweiz»; SNF CHF 1.105.000)
- 2000 - 2002 PI «Improving Learning and Professional Perspectives of Disadvantaged Adolescents by Peer Tutoring» (Jacobs Foundation; CHF 220.000)
- 2003 PI Viability Study „Paths into Life“ (Federal Office of Public Health; CHF 50.000)
- 2003 - 2006 PI „Improving Learning and Professional Perspectives of Siberian Disadvanted Adolescents by Peer Tutoring“ (Jacobs Foundation, Zurich; CHF 260.000)
- 2003 - 2004 PI „Collective Expertise on secondary prevention during pregnany and early childhood“; Federal Office of Public Health; CHF 27.000)
- 2003 - 2007 Co-PI „Anforderungen und Ressourcen im Berufszyklus von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern“ (Teacher College Bern and Zurich; CHF 640.000)
- 2004 PI „Alcohol Consumption in Young Families“ (Federal Office of Public Health; CHF 70.000)
- 2006 - 2007 PI “Evaluation Passerelle Berufsmaturität - Universitäre Hochschulen“ (Federal Office of Professional Education and Technology; CHF 227.000)
- 2007 - 2008 PI „Substanzkonsumscreening in der Schwangerschaftsvorsorge“ (FOPH; CHF 75.000)
- 2007 - 2008 Co-PI „Jugendsexualität“ (Federal Commission for Children and Adolescents; CHF 10.000)
- 2005 - 2010 Deputy Director National Center of Competence in Research Swiss Etiological Study of Adjustment and Mental Health sesam (SNF NCCR, University of Basel, Hoffman-La Roche, FAG, Lichtenstein Foundation; Total Grant Amount CHF 18.500.000)
- 2005 - 2010 Co-PI „Triadic family functioning“ (PI Dr. Stadlmayr; Individual Project within NCCR sesam)
- 2005 - 2010 Co-PI „Social determinants of family environments and children’s health“ (PI Prof. Siegrist; Individual Project within NCCR sesam)
- 2007 - 2011 PI „ Improving Learning and Professional Perspectives of Disadvanted Adolescents by Peer Tutoring — pc4youth (Project in Basel: Biäsch Foundation Zurich CHF 50.000; Project Minsk, Belarus: Jacobs Foundation CHF 25.000)
- 2008 - 2009 PI „Co-Development in Personality across the Life-Span“ (Research Foundations of the University of Basel; CHF 50.000)
- 2008 - 2009 PI „Psychology in Switzerland: Basic Information for the Federal Parliaments to Prepare the Federal Act on Psychological Profession“ (FOPH; CHF 35.000)
- 2010 - 2013 PI „Co-Development in Personality: Longitudinal Approaches to Personality Development in Dyads across the Life Span“ (SNF Sinergia Project CRSI11_130432; Co-PIs: Proff. Martin (Zurich), Krings (Lausanne), Wiese (Basel); CHF 1.125.500)
- 2011 - 2013 PI „Emotion regulation during adulthoodim“ (Matching Funds U of Basel-SNF; 100.000 CHF)
- 2013 - 2014 PI „Co-Development in Personality II: Longitudinal Approaches to Personality Development in Close Inte- rand Intragenerational Relationships Across the Life“ (SNF Sinergia Project CRSI11_147614; Co-PIs: Proff. Martin (Zurich), Krings (Lausanne); CHF 256.564)2012-2015 Co-PI „Sleep, cognitive, and socio-emotional development in preterm children during middle and late childhood“ (SNF Project 100014_143962; PI Dr. S. Lemola; 193.337 CHF)
- 2010: PI „SecondLanguage: Prekindergarten Language Intervention and Developmental outcomes” (Ministry of Education Basel-Stadt sfr. 180.000; Jacobs Foundation Zurich CHF 255.000)
- 2011: Co-PI „Continuity and change: Determinants of prefessional and individual development from adolescence to mid-adulthood“ (Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology; Co-PI Prof. Häfeli, Zurich; 225.000 CHF)
- 2014: PI Starting Grant “Graduate School Schoolpsychology, Develepmental Diagnostics and Educational Counseling SEED” (University of Basel CHF 250.000; Jacobs Foundation CHF 300.000)
- 2015: Co-PI “Socio-emotional development and mental health of preterm children: The role of HPA-axis function, sleep, neuroplasticity, and physical exercise during the transition to adolescence (PI: Prof. Dr. S. Lemola; SNF Project)
- 2016: PI “Processes in Romantic Relationships and their impact on relationship and personal outcomes“ (SNF Project 100019_162697; 500.081 CHF)
- Swiss National Science Foundation (Division I and Division IV), German Research Foundation (DFG ad hoc reviewer excellency initiative), Jacobs Foundation Zürich
- Swiss Journal of Psychology, International Journal of Behavioral Development (Editorial Board), Journal of Adolescence, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1997–2001 Consulting Editor at the Editorial Board JPSP:PPID), Psychologische Rundschau, Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, European Psychologist, International Journal of Psychology (editorial board 2005-2007), Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht (scientific board 2007-), Journal of Positive Psychology,
- Editor in Chief European Psychologist (2010-2015)
- Chairman Academy of Finland of the Review Panel in Psychology (2015-)
- 2017 Evaluation panelist of the Eudaimonia institute proejcts, U of Oulu, Finland
- 2014 - 2016 Chair and member of the Psychology evaluation panel of the Academy of Finland
- 2007 - 2011 Research Networking Programme „The European Children Cohorts Network EUCCONET“ of the European Science Foundation ESF
- 2005 - 2013 Member Scientific Board Center of Psychology Information, Leibniz Institute, University of Trier
- 2002 - 2011 Chairperson of the Jacobs Foundation Programme “Young Scholars Research Grant”