Elena Pauli, MSc
Assistent / PhD studend
Clinical Psychology and Animal-Assisted Intervention
Faculty of Psychology
Missionsstrasse 60/62
4055 Basel Switzerland
Tel. +41 (0)61 207 65 81
1. Publications
Pauli, E., Debecker, I., & Hund-Georgiadis, M. (2024). Functional independence and agitation outcomes following inpatient rehabilitation after structural brain injury: A retrospective cohort study. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 1–18. DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2024.2328871
Hediger, K., Wagner, J., Künzi, P., Haefeli, A., Theis, F., Grob, C., Pauli, E., & Gerger, H. (2021). Effectiveness of animal-assisted interventions for children and adults with post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 12(1), DOI: 10.1080/20008198.2021.1879713
2. Contributions to Conferences
2024 | Science Slam at the 2024 conference of the German-speaking Society for Contextual Behavioral Science (DGKV), presentation title: “The Impact of Psychological Flexibility and the Presence of a Dog on Trust in Therapists” |
2024 | Panel discussion at the in-person IAHAIO 2024 conference, presentation title: “Panel-audience discussion: Animal-Assisted Services: Adapting to a changing world” |
2024 | Oral presentation at the in-person IAHAIO 2024 conference, presentation title: “Long-term effects on socioemotional skills of animal-assisted therapy in patients with acquired brain injury” |
2024 | Oral presentation at the in-person ISAZ 2024 conference, presentation title: “Effectiveness of Animal-Assisted Interventions for Children and Adults With Depressive Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” |
2024 | Oral presentation at the 25thNational Health Promotion Conference 2024, presentation title: “Tiere in der Therapie” |
2022 | Oral presentation at the 17th SPS conference 2022, presentation title: “Animal-assisted interventions for depressive symptoms: Learnings from a meta-analysis” |
2022 | Poster presentation at the 30th anniversary IAHAIO conference 2022, presentation title: “Animal-Assisted Interventions reduce depressive symptoms effectively across different contexts.” |
2021 | Flash Presentation at the "30th International Society for Anthrozoology Virtual Conference", presentation title: "Effectiveness of Animal-Assisted Interventions for Children and Adults with post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis" |
2021 | Panel Discussion at the "Vierten Schweizer Tagung zur Mensch-Tier-Beziehung" |
3. Outreach activities
2024 | Oral presentation at the avuba lunchtime discussion, presentation title: “Depression 101” |
2024 | Lecture for the BFH MSc Physiotherapie, presentation title: “Animal-Assisted Interventions reduce depressive symptoms effectively across different contexts.” |
2023 | Lecture for the interprofessional continuing education at REHAB Basel, presentation title: “Forschung zu tiergestützter Therapie am REHAB Basel” |
2023 | Lecture for higher education students at REHAB Basel, presentation title: “Forschung zu tiergestützter Therapie am REHAB Basel” |
2022 | Organising committee of the BEACON 2022 Conference of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Basel |
2022 | Workshop at the "Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute" for the Master of Public Health (MPH) Module "One Health", presentation title: "Die Mensch-Tier Beziehung und ihre Bedeutung für die Gesundheit" |
2021 | Talk at the Rotary Club of Ottawa Metro, presentation title: "How my Rotary Youth Exchange experience has shaped my career" |
2021 | Workshop at the "Institut für soziales Lernen mit Tieren" for the continuing education "Berufsbegleitenden Weiterbildung zur Fachkraft für tiergestützte Intervention", presentation title: "Tiere und Ethik / Grundlagen der Kommunikation und Interaktion von Menschen und Tieren" and "Psychologie der Mensch-Tier Beziehung: Biopsychosoziales Modell" |
Since 09/2021 | Master of Advanced Studies in Process-based Psychotherapy at the University of Basel, Switzerland |
Since 09/2020 | PhD in Clinical Psychology and Animal-Assisted Interventions at the University of Basel, Switzerland |
07/2020 | Master of Science in Clinical Pschology and Neuroschience at the University of Basel, Switzeraland |
06/2017 | Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland |
Additional Training
04/2021 | PhD Course for Animal-Assisted Interventins at the Graduate School for Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences (GS-VMAS), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences |
07/2020 | Good Clinical Practice (GCP) certification at the Trainig and Resources in Research Ethics Evaluation (TRREE) e-learning modules |
Since 02/2022 | Psychologist at the Center for Psychotherapy, Faculty of Psychology, University of Basel |
09/2021 - 07 /2024 | Lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology, lectures: "Empirisches Projektseminar I + II" (project leader in 2021 and 2022), “Klinische Kinder- und Jugendpsychologie” (guest lecturer in 2022 and 2023), “Praxisseminar Tiergestützte Psychotherapie” (lecturer in 2023 and 2024), “Master Kolloquium Klinische Psychologie, Psychotherapie und tiergestützte Interventionen” (lecturer in 2021-2024) |
09/2021 - 07/2022 | Lecturer for the Bachelor project seminar "Empirisches Projektseminar I + II", University of Basel |
07/2020 - 06/2022 | Study Coordinator for the Nogo-A Inhibition in acute Spinal Cord Injury (NISCI) Study, REHAB Basel |
11/2017 - 09/2020 | Research Assistant at the Division Clinical Psychology and Intervention Science, Univeristy of Basel |
01/2020 - 06/2020 | Internship in research of animal-assisted interventions, REHAB Basel |
09/2019 – 11/2019 | Internship in research of memory training at the Division of Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Basel |
03/2017 – 07/2017 | Internship in research of training training integrity at the Division of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University of Fribourg |
09/2016 – 12/2016 | Internship in research of conspiracy theories at the Division of Psycholinguistics and Applied Social Psychology, University of Fribourg |
Since 02/2022 | Master Project "Effects of intranasal oxytocin on trust towards therapists and dogs" (supervision of 6 student) |
Since 02/2021 | Master Project "Effectiveness of animal assisted interventions in reducing depressive symptoms" (supervision of 1 student) |
Since 09/2020 | Master Project "Effects of animal-assisted therapy in neurorehabilitation" (supervision of 9 students) |
06/2023 | Bachelor Thesis "Effects of intranasal oxytocin on trust towards therapists and dogs" |
06/2022 | Bachelor Thesis "Effects of AAT in neurorehabilitation for patients with acquired brain injury" |
Since 04/2023 | Internship in research of animal-assisted interventions and trust, University of Basel (supervision of 12 students) |
Since 06/2022 | Internship in research of animal-assisted interventions and depressive symptoms, University of Basel (supervision of 4 students) |
Since 09/2020 | Internship in research of animal-assisted interventions, REHAB Basel (supervision of 28 students) |
Since 12/2021 | Member of the Swiss Psychological Society (SPS) |
Since 02/2021 | Member of the International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ) |
Since 10/2020 | Member of the Swiss Institute for Interdisciplinary Research of the Human-Animal Relationship (IEMT Schweiz) |
Since 07/2020 | Member of the Swiss Professional Association for Applied Psychology (SBAP.) |