Dr. Elianne Anthea Albath
LehrbeauftragteAssistentin / PostDoc
Fakultät für Psychologie
Missionsstrasse 64a
Tel. +41 61 207 66 04
Assistentin / PostDoc
Missionsstrasse 64A

Research Interests
Social exclusion, cross-cultural psychology, underdog perceptions, person perception, longitudinal data analysis, panel data, self-disclosure, psychological distance toward social actors.
About me
Since 2023, I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Center for Social Psychology. Prior to that, I worked as a Ph.D. student at the University of Basel (2019-2023) and studied in Zurich, Maastricht, and Milan.
Being ignored and excluded by others is a feeling that many people experience regularly (even daily!). While we recover from these experiences typically very quickly, the potential consequences of social exclusion are detrimental. In my research, I want to understand who are those who often feel ignored or excluded in order to mitigate these consequences. My current research draws on both experimental data and large cross-national, and/or longitudinal studies. The latter in particular provides much-needed insights into the relatively unknown area of real-life social exclusion experiences.
Current projects in this regard examine who are the people and groups at risk of social exclusion in our society. A second current research focus is the perception of underdogs.
Links and Social Media
Find me on Researchgate, Bluesky, or LinkedIn, but be aware that I am not a very active social media user.