Dr. Elianne Anthea Albath
Assistentin / PostDoc
Assistentin / PostDoc
Fakultät für Psychologie

Assistentin / PostDoc

Fakultät für Psychologie
Missionsstrasse 64a
4055 Basel

Tel. +41 61 207 66 04

Fakultät für Psychologie


Fakultät für Psychologie
Missionsstrasse 64a
4055 Basel

Tel. +41 61 207 66 04

Fakultät für Psychologie

Assistentin / PostDoc

Missionsstrasse 64A
4055 Basel

Tel. +41 61 207 66 04

Elianne Albath

Research Interests

Social exclusion, person perception, longitudinal data analysis, panel data, self-disclosure, psychological distance toward social actors.

About me

Since 2023, I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Center for Social Psychology. Prior to that, I worked as a Ph.D. student at the University of Basel (2019-2023) and studied in Zurich, Maastricht, and Milan.

Being ignored and excluded by others is a feeling that many people experience regularly (even daily!). While we recover from these experiences typically very quickly, the potential consequences of social exclusion are detrimental. In my research, I want to understand who are those who often feel ignored or excluded in order to mitigate these consequences. My current research draws on both experimental data and large cross-national, and/or longitudinal studies. The latter in particular provides much-needed insights into the relatively unknown area of real-life social exclusion experiences.

Current projects in this regard examine the effects of social exclusion on people's self- and other-perception as well as self-disclosure. A second major interest of mine is identifying individuals and groups at risk of social exclusion in our society.

Links and Social Media

Find me on Researchgate, Twitter, or LinkedIn but be aware that I am not an active social media user.
