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BEACON - Conference Report

On September 17, 2021 the first BEACON – Boost and Exchange Academic Conference of the Faculty of Psychology took place with the topic Future of Science.

A beacon is further a navigation light. Our academic path can sometimes be overwhelming or complex. Like a beacon, our conference might shed light on possible trajectories, connect us as young researchers, give guidance and inspire us in order to boost our careers and connect us as young researchers.

This year’s conference started with three workshops for which the participants could register for:

  • “Academic Career Development” by Prof. Prof. h.c. Dr. Dr. h.c Elisabeth Cheauré,
  • “Power, Politics and Personal Effectiveness in Academia” by Andrea Kleinhuber or
  • “The (Bayesian) New Statistics” by Dr. Dirk Wulff.

After the lunch break, the second part of the conference started with the panel discussion. This year’s topic covered “The Future of Science” including current developments regarding diversity, career options, open science and future outlooks, discussed by Ursina Anderegg, Dr. Antonio Currao, Dr. Wenke Möhring, Prof. Dr. Jens Gaab, Prof. Dr. Jürg Rieskamp and Prof. Dr. Rui Mata.

During the poster session, 21 doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of the Faculty of Psychology presented their current research, offering a great exchange among peers and insight in the research activities of the faculty. Through peer voting, this year’s poster awards were awarded to

  • Alexandra Bagaini (1st place),
  • Johannes Massell (2nd place) and
  • Samuel Aeschbach (3rd place).


The day ended with the keynote lecture of Prof. Dr. Jutta Mata with the topic “Eating Healthy in a Modern Land of Plenty: A Social Perspective” which resulted in a lively discussion and was followed by an outdoor aperitif.

The great adherence to the safety concept allowed the conference to be held safely and helped us to achieve the goal of bringing the faculty together and exchange ideas in person. Overall, the conference was a huge success and we enjoyed in connecting with our peers, getting insights in the excellent research done at our faculty and gained valuable inputs for the future of science in our field.

We want to thank everyone for their participation and are looking forward to the next BEACON at the Faculty of Psychology 2022.

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