/ News, Forschung
Last Call: BEACON – Conference of the Faculty of Psychology

The registration and submission of abstracts is still open!
The registration and submission of abstracts for the first BEACON – Boost and Exchange Academic Conference of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Basel, on September 17, 2021 with the topic Future of Science is still open!
We are thrilled to announce that the workshops and conference can be conducted in real life in regard to the then applicable health measures. A wonderful opportunity to re-connect with your fellow researchers and exchange on current research topics and trends as well as homeoffice anecdotes. Additionally, we will as well organize possibilities to participate the conference online.
The conference includes workshops on important topics for young researchers, such as career planning and scientific skills, a high-profile panel discussion, two poster sessions with poster prizes and an exciting keynote – everything free of charge!
Connect and network with your peers at the Faculty during the coffee breaks and the closing apéro and get to know their research better during the poster sessions.
Workshops have limited capacity for participants and participation will be granted on a first-come first-served basis and there are still some spots left. The rest of the conference is open to everyone without restrictions.
Registration and submission deadline is July 1, 2021. You can also first just register for participation only or one of the workshops and if you still want to hand in an abstract later on, just contact us. You can find more information on our website and register here. Also follow us on Twitter. We are looking forward to seeing many of you at the conference!
The Organizing Committee,
Dorothée Bentz, Helen Koechlin, Wenke Möhring, Anja Zimmer & Priska Zuber