2014: Go open
2014 - our third year in Basel - saw us going open. This meant that we discussed, modified and solidified our concepts and positions in research and teaching to the point of wanting to share them with others - or put otherwise - where it became hard not to show them in everything we do. Thus, going open, was both inevitable as well as timely. In research, we advocate a contextual model of psychotherapy and our aim is to specify the relevant factors and their interplay by means of meta-analytic as well as experimental work. Also, we are open to new avenues to promote change, so yes, we also go digital. In our teaching, we changed our location from front to the side, which means that we aim not to lead, but to assist and supprt students in their goals and needs. Besides these admittedly attitudinal aspects, we had a number of personal changes, with one new post-doc, two new PhD-students and five wonderful new student assistants. Also, and most noteworthy, two members of the team successfully applied for SNF grants, which is smashing. JG, February 2015
Members of the division 2014
Judith Alder, Johanna Birkhäuer, Judith Blatter-Meunier, Mara Bruggisser, Felicitas Forrer, Jens Gaab, Heike Gerger, Sebastian Hasler, Nadja Heimgartner, Karine Jonnard, Emma Jones, Greg Juillerat, Joe Kossowsky, Peter Krummenacher, Cosima Locher, Sibylle Meier, Yoon Phaik Ooi, Milena Petignat, Claudia Ruf, Christoph Werner, Stefania Vanzetti, Boby Xavier Thaiparambil & associated member Philippe Chresta
External PhD’s
Stefanie Neubrand, Astrid Grossert, Sandra Scherer, Theresa Tondorf, Grit Lexlow, Verena Ehrbar, Evelin Hug, Christian Schrobildgen
Publications of members of the division in 2014 (total impact factor 45.77)
- Krummenacher, P., Kossowsky, J., Schwarz, C., Brugger, P., Kelley, J., Meyer, A., Gaab, J. (2014). Expectancy-Induced Placebo Analgesia in Children and the Role of Magical Thinking, J Pain. 2014 Sep 23. pii: S1526-5900(14)00914-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jpain.2014.09.005., IF: 4.2
- Simmons, K., Ortiz, R., Kossowsky, J., Krummenacher, P., Grillon, C., Pine, D., & Colloca, L. (2014). Pain and placebo in pediatrics: a comprehensive review of laboratory and clinical findings. Pain, 155(11), 2229-2235. doi: 10.1016/j.pain.2014.08.036, IF: 5.8
- Kelley JM, Kraft-Todd G, Schapira L, Kossowsky J, Riess H (2014) The Influence of the Patient-Clinician Relationship on Healthcare Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. PLoS ONE 9(4): e94207. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0094207, IF 3.7
- Alder, J. & Urech, C. (2014). Psychotherapie in der Frauenheilkunde. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
- Huggenberger, HJ, Ehrbar, V, Eichelberger, D, Roth, B, Gaab, J, Wössmer, B, Rochlitz,C, Alder J (2014). Online-Unterstützung für Familien mit einem krebskranken Elternteil. Onkologische Pflege, 3, 31-33.
- Schmidt, H. M., Munder, T., Gerger, H., Frühauf, S., & Barth, J. (2014). Combination of Psychological Intervention and Phosphodiesterase-5 Inhibitors for Erectile Dysfunction: A Narrative Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Sexual Medicine. doi:10.1111/jsm.12520, IF: 3.51
- Landolt K, Wittwer A, Wyss T, Unterassner L, Fach W, Krummenacher P, Brugger P, Haker H, Kawohl W, Schubiger PA, Folkers G, Rössler W. (2014). Help-seeking in people with exceptional experiences: results from a general population sample. Front Public Health. 21;2:51.
- Gaab, J. (2014). Go west or rest - Die Behandlung chronischer Erschöpfungssyndrome im Wandel der Zeiten. Verhaltenstherapie, 24:108–113, IF: 0.4
- Rescorla, L.A., Bochicchio, L., Achenbach, T.M., Ivanova, M.Y., Almqvist, F., Begovac, I., Bilenberg, N., Bird, H., Dobrean, A., Erol, N., Fombonne, E., Fonseca, A., Frigerio, A., Fung, D.S., Lambert, M.C., Leung, P.W., Liu, X., Marković, I., Markovic, J., Minaei, A., Ooi, Y.P., Roussos, A., Rudan, V., Simsek, Z., van der Ende. J,, Weintraub, S., Wolanczyk, T., Woo, B., Weiss, B., Weisz, J., Zukauskiene, R., & Verhulst, F.C. (2014). Parent-Teacher agreement on children's problems in 21 societies. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, IF:2.55
- Neubrand, S. (2014). Impathie - Grundlage für eine gelingende Beziehung mit sich selbst und mit anderen. Systemische Pädagogik, 4, 62-66
- Thomas L, Schwaninger A, Heimgartner N, Hedinger P, Hofer F, Ehlert U, Wirtz PH (2014). Stress-induced cortisol secretion impairs detection performance in x-ray baggage screening for hidden weapons by screening novices. Psychophysiology. May 2. doi: 10.1111/psyp.12229, IF: 3.2
- Blatter-Meunier, J., Lavallee K. & Schneider, S. (2014). Patterns of Family Identification and Self-Congruence in Childhood Separation Anxiety Disorder. Psychopathology. 47(1):57-64, IF: 1.56
- Gerger, H., Munder, T., Gemperli, A., Nüesch, E., Trelle, S., Jüni, P., & Barth, J. (2014). Integrating fragmented evidence via network meta-analysis: Relative effectiveness of psychological interventions for adults with posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychol Med. 2014 Apr 16:1-14, IF: 5.59
- Gerger, H., Munder, T., & Barth, J. (2014). A rejoinder from Gerger and colleagues. Psychological Medicine, (2014). doi:10.1017/S0033291714002037, IF: 5.59
- Gerger, H., Munder, T., & Barth, J. (2014). Specific and non-specific psychological interventions for PTSD symptoms: A meta-analysis with problem complexity as a moderator. J Clin Psychol. Jul;70(7):601-15, IF: 2.11
- Scherer S, Urech C, Hösli I, Tschudin S, Gaab J, Berger T, Alder J. (2014). Internet-based stress management for women with preterm labour-a case-based experience report. Arch Womens Ment Health. 2014 Aug 16, IF: 1.95
- Kuebler U, von Känel R, Heimgartner N, Zuccarella-Hackl C, Stirnimann G, Ehlert U, Wirtz PH (2014). Norepinephrine infusion with and without alpha-adrenergic blockade by phentolamine increases salivary alpha amylase in healthy men. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014 Aug 1;49C:290-298, IF: 5.6
- Ooi, Y.P., Ang, R.P., & Lim-Ashworth, N. (2014). Effective Anger Management for Children and Youth: The Manual and the Workbook. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd: Singapore
Funding (total funding 2014 CHF 317’102)
- Max Zeller Söhne AG (2014-2016). A phase IV, randomised, placebo controlled study to investigate the effects of Zeller Entspannung on cortisol responses in healthy volunteers with acute stress – a mode of action study with cortisol measurement in saliva. Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Jens Gaab. CHF 106’717
- SNF doc.ch grant (2014-2016): The Effect of Interpersonal Trust on Treatment Outcome. Antragstellerin Johanna Birkhäuer MSc. CHF 120'259
- Stay-on-track (2014): Finanzierung eines Hilfsassistenten zur Unterstützung der Arbeitsgruppe „Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology“. Antragstellerin: Dr. Yoon Phaik Ooi. CHF 7’563.55
- Stay-on-track (2014): Finanzierung eines Hilfsassistenten zur Unterstützung der Arbeitsgruppe „Meta-analytische Interventions- und Psychotherapieforschung“. Antragstellerin: Dr. Heike Gerger. CHF 7’563.55
- SNF Advanced Postdoc.Mobility (2015-2016): Harnessing the Placebo Effect to Augment the Pharmacological Treatment of Children with Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders, Antragsteller Dr. Joe Kossowsky, CHF 75’000
Congress and workshop organizsation
- Psychotherapy and the placebo effect: an ethical analysis, Brocher Fondation, 24-26th June 2014, Hermance, Switzerland (Dr. Charlotte Blease, University College Dublin, Prof. Dr. Jens Gaab, University of Basel, Dr. Peter Krummenacher, University of Basel), Dr. Joe Kossowsky (University of Basel & Harvard University)
Jens Gaab: Lecturer of the year 2014, Faculty of Psychology, University of Basel
Spring semester 2014
- Bachelor, Seminar: Gesprächsführung und Kommunikationstraining (Jens Gaab)
- Bachelor, Seminar: Kinder- und Jugendpsychotherapie: Externalisierende Störungen (Claudia Ruf)
- Bachelor, Vorlesung: Somatopsychologie (Jens Gaab)
- Master, Vorlesung: Interventions- und Placeboforschung (Heike Gerger)
- Master, Fallseminar: Klinische Kinder- und Jugenpsychologie (Judith Blatter-Meunier)
- Master, Fallseminar: Sinn- und Akzeptanzorientierte Arbeit in der Psychoonkologie (Judith Alder)
- Master, Theorieseminar: Einführung in die Placebo- und Noceboforschung (Peter Krummenacher)
- Master, Forschungskolloquium (Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Stress and anxiety reduction in women with preterm labour to improve outcome: A randomized controlled intervention study (Judith Alder & Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Psychoonkologie (Judith Alder, Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Interventionsforschung (Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Placebo- und Noceboforschung (Peter Krummenacher & Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Forschungskolloquium (Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Meta-Analysen (Heike Gerger, Joe Kossowsky & Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Omega-3-Fettsäuren und ADHS bei Kindern (Jens Gaab & Yoon Phaik Ooi)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Klinische Kinder- und Jugendpsychologie - Selbstverletzendes Verhalten (Martina Birgit Bürli, Jens Gaab, Tina In-Albon Wampfler & Andrea Hans Meyer)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Masterprojekt: Frühe Traumatisierung, Emotionsregulation und Schlaf (Klaus Bader, Christian Cajochen & Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Psychohtherapieforschung in der Psychiatrie (Klaus Bader, Jens Gaab)
Fall semester 2014
- Bachelor, Vorlesung: Klinische Kinder- und Jugendpsychologie (Yoon Phaik Ook, Claudia Ruf)
- Bachelor, Vorlesung: Somatopsychologie (Jens Gaab)
- Bachelor, Seminar: Gesprächsführung und Kommunikationstraining (Nadja Heimgartner)
- Master, Seminar: Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (Yoon Phaik Ook)
- Master, Vorlesung: Klinische Somatopsychologie (Jens Gaab)
- Master, Fallseminar: Erwachsenenpsychotherapie (Nadja Heimgartner)
- Master, Fallseminar: Grundlagen der Psychoonkologie (Judith Alder)
- Master, Forschungskolloquium (Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Interventionsforschung (Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Psychosomatik (Diana Zwahlen, Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Placebo- und Noceboforschung (Johanna Birkhäuer, Jens Gaab, Joe Kossowsky)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Meta Analysen (Heike Gerger, Jens Gaab, Joe Kossowsky)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Klinische Kinder- und Jugendpsychologie - Selbstverletzendes Verhalten (Martina Birgit Bürli, Jens Gaab, Tina In-Albon Wampfler & Andrea Hans Meyer)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Stress and anxiety reduction in women with preterm labour to improve outcome: A randomized controlled intervention study (Judith Alder & Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Stressmanagement und Ressourcenaktivierung für Patienten mit einer Krebserkrankung: Wirksamkeit eines webbasierten Trainings (Judith Alder & Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Web-based counseling for families with parental cancer: a randomized controlled intervention (Judith Alder, Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Psychoonkologie (Judith Alder & Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Clinical Child and Youth Psychology (Yoon Phaik Ooi, Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Omega-3-Fettsäuren und ADHS bei Kindern (Yoon Phaik Ooi, Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Frühe Traumatisierung, Emotionsregulation und Schlaf (Klaus Bader, Christian Cajochen, Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Lernen im Schlaf: Verbessert Schlaf den Erfolg einer Expositionstherapie bei Angstpatienten (Klaus Bader, Jens Gaab)
- Master, Masterprojekt: Psychohtherapieforschung in der Psychiatrie (Klaus Bader, Jens Gaab)
- Dr. Emanuel Jung: Erfassung und Behandlung von jugendlichen Mit einer Identitätsstörung
- Dr. Annette Völlmin: Psychobiological Consequences of Stress in Sensitive Developmental Stages and Potential Protective Factors
Master theses
- Andrea Gambon: Die Auswirkungen von Akzeptanz- und Commitmenttherapie (ACT)-orientierten Interventionen auf die physische und psychische Befindlichkeit von Personen mit chronischen Schmerzen - eine Metaanalyse
- Caroline Richter: Building Postgraduate Training in Clinical Psychology and Psycho- therapy in Kosovo: A Quality Investigation
- Cosima Locher: Baseline Severity: A Moderator of Antidepressant and Placebo Outcomes in Late-Life Depression
- Samuel Fahrer: Trägt Schlaf direkt nach therapeutischen Expositionen zur besseren Wirksamkeit bei? Pilotunersuchung zur Machbarkeit unter Routinebedingungen
- Franziska Limacher: The importance of the relationship in psychotherapy: a placebo study
- Christina Hockeler: Exploring Aspects of Trust Induction and Measurement – A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study
- Melanie Filser: Einfluss von Suggestion und Darreichungsform einer Scheinintervention auf die visuelle Wahrnehmung
- Michael Weber: Suggestibilität und visuelle Signalerkennung: Einfluss von Persönlichkeitsaspekten auf die Placeboreaktion bei visueller Wahrnehmung
- Noemi Geisser: Anxiety response to stress and its mediation by anticipatory cognitive stress appraisal
- Sarah Königer: Expectation in Placebo Analgesia
- Nicole Schmidlin: The impact of perceived stress level during the past several days on the cortisol release in an acute stress situation
- Sibylle Meier: Understanding the Child Behavior Checklist-Juvenile Bipolar Disorder Profile in Children with ADHD
- Sophie Müller-Siemens: Effects of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy stress management on state and trait anxiety scores in healthy subjects
- Tatiana Aggeler: Evaluation of the effects of ACT-based stress management on cortisol responses to acute stress in healthy subjects – a randomized controlled trial
- Verena Ehrbar: Famoca- Family online counseling for families with paren-tal cancer: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial of a web-based intervention
- Angela Stauffer: How do emotional problems of the adult and the quality of marital relationship relate to family functioning in families with parental cancer?
- Stefanie Brennwald: Short-Term Effects of Animals-Assisted Therapy on the Affect and Mood of Inpatients with Brain Injuries
- Martina Emmenegger: Efficacy of an internet-based cognitive-behavioral stress management training on cortisol and its influence on birth outcome in women with idiopathic preterm labor
- Laura Gattlen: Usability-Testung der Website STREAM. Ein webbasiertes Stressmanagementprogramm für Krebsbetroffene im deutschsprachigen Raum
- Gregory Juillerat: The HPA axis and depression: Findings of a short-term ACT-based stress management training in young adults
- Lukas Heer: Efficacy of Neurofeedback Treatemtn for Pediatric ADHD: A Meta-Analysis
- Livia Voneschen: Stress induced analgesia: Influence of psychosocial stress on heat pain tolerance and threshold in healthy men
- Marianne Weber: Coping with Stress: Differences Between Dispositional and Situational Cognitive Coping and Their Influence on Psychophysiology Under Stress
- Mauritia Kaufmann: The association of parental coping with children's behavioral adjustment in families affected by parental cancer
- Jrina Mirjam Schulthess: Struktuale Traumanalyse
- Johanna Ostertag: Practitioner and Treatment Condition Influences in a Placebo Intervention
- Stephanie Pascale Müller: Health-related Quality of Life in Children of a Parent Diagnosed with Cancer: Baseline Findings from a Web-based Program for Families with Parental Cancer
Centre for Psychotherapy
The Centre for Psychotherapy offers clinical assessments, psychotherapy, and psychotherapeutic training for mental disorders and difficulties as well as psychological support during physical illness and disorders for all ages. The mean number of appointments in 2014 was 67, the mean numbers of appointments per month are shown below