2017: Come together
Looking back on 2017 from both a temporal as well as spatial distance – this is written during my Sabbatical in New Zealand well in 2018 – brings about vivid memories of a strong team, which came and worked together (and still does!) on academic as well as personal levels. This not only resulted in our best publication output so far as well as a grant acquisition record and another all time high in master theses and dissertations, but most importantly also generated the creativity and energy to start new and promising endeavors. These encompassed wonderful and productive cooperations with wonderful and productive colleagues in Basel, Boston and Dublin, the development of three postgraduate trainings (which officially started in 2018, they will have their apt listing in the next annual report…), the establishment of animal-assisted therapy as a strong academic as well as therapeutical component of the division, the weekly team lunch, the Leiden SIPS congress or the rather unexpected second place in the Basel Ekiden Marathon. Being part of this team is both a pleasure as much as an honour. JG, May 2018/Auckland

Members of the division 2017
Judith Alder, Sarah Bürgler, Johanna Birkhäuer, Mara Bruggisser, Antje Frey Nascimento, Jens Gaab, Heike Gerger, Sebastian Hasler, Karin Hediger, Nadja Heimgartner, Joe Kossowsky, Helen Koechlin, Roshin Kunnel John, Cosima Locher, Sibylle Meier, Yoon Phaik Ooi, Milena Petignat, Dilan Sezer, Cora Wagner, Christoph Werner, Boby Xavier Thaiparambil
External PhD’s
Mareike Busmann, Anna Denzinger, Nina Kind, Can Nakkas, Astrid Grossert, Cedric Kettelhack, Tania Perez, Evelin Hug, Stefanie Neubrand, Dena Sadeghi Bahmani, Nathalie Schenk, Christian Schrobildgen, Theresa Tondorf
Publications (total impact factor 45.3)
- Urech C, Ehrbar V, Boivin J, Müller M, Alder J, Zanetti Dällenbach R, Rochlitz C, Tschudin S (2017). Knowledge about and attitude towards fertility preservation in young female cancer patients: a cross-sectional online survey. Hum Fertil (Camb). 2017 Sep 22:1-7. doi: 10.1080/14647273.2017.1380317. IF: 1.1
- Urech C, Scherer S, Emmenegger M, Gaab J, Tschudin S, Hoesli I, Berger T, Alder J (2017). Efficacy of an internet-based cognitive behavioral stress management training in women with idiopathic preterm labor: A randomized controlled intervention study. J Psychosomatic Research, 103, 140-146. IF: 2.8
- Tondorf T, Kaufmann L-K, Degel A, Locher C, Birkhäuer J, Gerger H, Ehlert U, Gaab J (2017). Employing open/hidden administration In psychotherapy research: A randomized-controlled trial of expressive writing. PLOS ONE, 12(11), e0187400. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0187400 IF: 4.4
- Hediger, K. & Hund-Georgiadis, M. (2017). Animal-assisted therapy in the view of staff members before and after implementation in a rehabilitation clinic. Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin, 5(2), 61-73.
- Locher, C., Koechlin, H., Zion, S.R., Werner, C., Pine, D.S., Kirsch, I., Kessler, R.C., & Kossowsky, J (2017). Efficacy and Safety of SSRIs, SNRIs, and Placebo in Common Psychiatric Disorders: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis in Children and Adolescents, JAMA Psychiatry, doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2017.2432, IF: 15.3
- Locher, C., Frey Nascimento, A., Kossowsky, J., Kirsch, I., Meyer, A.H., Gaab, J. (2017). Is the rationale more important than deception? A randomized controlled trial of open-Label placebo analgesia. Pain, 158(12), 2320-2328. dx.doi.org/10.1097/j.pain.000000000000101, IF: 5.5
- Hediger, K., & Zink, R. (2017). Pferdegestützte Traumatherapie. München: Ernst Reinhardt Verlag
- R Coakley, T Wihak, J Kossowsky, C Iversen, C Donado (2017). The Comfort Ability Pain Management Workshop: A Preliminary, Nonrandomized Investigation of a Brief, Cognitive, Biobehavioral, and Parent Training Intervention for Pediatric Chronic Pain. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. doi.org/10.1093/jpepsy/jsx112, IF: 2.4
- Glenn, A.L., Remmel, R.J., Ong, M.Y., Lim, N.S.J., Ang, R.P., Threadgill, H., Ryerson, N., Raine, A., Fung, D., Ooi, Y.P. (2017). Neurocognitive characteristics of youth with noncomorbid and comorbid forms of Conduct Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry; 77:60-70. doi: 10.1016/j.comppsych.2017.06.005. IF: 2.0.
- Lakens D, Page-Gould E, van Assen M, Spellman B, Schönbrodt F, Hasselman F, Corker KS, Grange JA, Sharples A, Cavender C, Augusteihn H, Gerger H, Locher C, Miller I, Anvari F, (2017): Examining the reproducibility of meta-analyses in psychology: A preliminary report. Retrieved from BITSS: osf.io/preprints/bitss/xfbjf
- Thaiparambil, B.X., Waldmeier, A. Kunnel John, R., Gaab, J. (2017). Importance and impediments of education in India: Proposition of a merit-based and social-stratification insensitive approach. Journal of Education and Social Sciences, Vol. 6, Issue 2, (February) ISSN 2289-1552
- Birkhäuer, J., Gaab, J., Kossowsky, J, Hasler, S., Krummenacher, P., Werner, C., Gerger, H., (2017). Trust in the Health Care Professional and Health Outcome: A Meta-Analysis. PLOS ONE, 12(2): e0170988. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0170988, IF 4.4
- Birkhäuer, J., Gaab, J., Calnan, M. (2017). Is having a trusting doctor-patient relationship better for patients’ health? European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare, 5/1,145-14. doi.org/10.5750/ejpch.v5i1.1251
- Ooi, Y. P., Glenn, A., Ang, R. P., Vanzetti, S., Falcone, T., Gaab, J., & Fung, D. (2017). Agreement between parent- and self-reports of psychopathic traits and externalizing behaviors in a clinical sample. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 48(1), 151-165. IF: 2.03
- Gaab, J, Locher, C. & Gerger, H. (2017). Placebo und Psychotherapie - Selbstabschaffung oder Erkenntnisgewinn? Stellungnahme der Autoren zum Leserbrief von Harald Walach. Verhaltenstherapie, 27:59–60, DOI:10.1159/000453056, IF: 0.6
- Ooi, Y. P., Weng, S-J., Kossowsky, J., Gerger, H., & Sung, M. (2017). Oxytocin and Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Pharmacopsychiatry, 50; 5-13. IF: 1.85
- Hediger, K., Gee, N. R., & Griffin J. A. (2017). Do animals in the classroom improve learning, attention, or other aspects of cognition? In: Gee, N. R., Fine, A. H. & McCardle, P. (Eds.), How Animals Help Students Learn: Research and Practice for Educators and Mental-Health Professionals. New York: Routledge, Taylor Francis Group.
- Faria, V., Kossowsky, J., Petkov, M. P., Kaptchuk, T. J., Kirsch, I., Lebel, A. Borsook, D. (2017). Parental attitudes about placebo use in children. Journal of Pediatrics, 181, 272-278.e10. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2016.10.018, IF: 3.89
Grants (total new funding 2017: CHF 1’519452.69)
- Universität Basel, Ressort Chancengleichheit: Get on track Grant (2017). Antragstellerin: Antje Frey-Nascimento MSc, CHF 7’563
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (2017-2021). Ambizione: Psychophysiological effects of animal-assisted interventions in patients with brain injury. Antragstellerin und Principal investigator: Dr. Karin Hediger, CHF 706'727
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (2017). Ethical and legal regulation of Big Data research – towards a sensible and efficient use of electronic health records and social media data [BigResearchEthics]. Principal investigator and grant recipient: Prof. Dr. Elger Bernice Simone (Universität Basel), National scientific collaborator/Projektpartner: Prof. Dr. Jens Gaab, CHF 400'062
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Schweiz SNF (2016-2019). Taking the placebo further: open placebo. Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Jens Gaab, CHF 218'008
- Stiftung pro REHAB Basel (2016 – 2019): Unterstützung des Forschungsprojektes «effects of animal-assisted therapy in patients with brain-injuries» und Teilfinanzierung der post-doc Stelle von Karin Hediger. Antrassteller: Dr. Karin Hediger & Prof. Dr. Jakob Zinsstag. CHF 144'069
- Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart, Bischöfliches Ordinat (2016-2019). Finacial Assitance of Sr. Roshin Kunnel for Studies in Clinical Psychology. Donation, € 36'000
Spring semester 2017
Prof. Dr. Jens Gaab: Propädeutische Vorlesung: Klinische Psychologie II (BSc)
lic. phil. sabine Ehrat: Seminar mit Übung: Gesprächsführung und Beratung (BSc)
Dr. Heike Gerger: Vorlesung mit Übungen: Interventions- und Psychotherapieforschung (MSc)
Helen Koechlin MSc: Theorieseminar: Klinische Kinder- und Jugendpsychologie (MSc)
Prof. Dr. Jens Gaab: Masterprojekt: Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie (MSc)
Prof. Dr. Jens Gaab: Kolloquium: Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie (MSc)
PD Dr. Judith Alder Praxisseminar: Klinische Psychoonkologie (MSc)
lic. phil. Rainer Bürki Theorieseminar: Prozesse und Inhalte psychologischer Interventionen (MSc)
Fall semester 2017
lic. phil. Nadja Heimgartner: Seminar mit Übung: Gesprächsführung und Beratung (BSc)
Dr. Joe Kossowsky & PD Dr. Yoon Phaik Ooi: Vorlesung: Klinische Kinder- und Jugendpsychologie (BSc)
Prof. Dr. Jens Gaab: Masterprojekt: Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie (MSc)
Prof. Dr. Jens Gaab: Kolloquium: Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie (MSc)
Dr. Cosima Locher: Theorieseminar: Einführung in die Placebo- und Noceboforschung (MSc)
lic. phil. Martin Brezina Vorlesung mit Übungen: Praxis der klinischen Psychologie und Psychotherapie (MSc)
- Dr. phil Johanna Birkhäuer: Contextual Factors in Treatment: A Meta-Analytic and an Experimental Approac
- Dr. Cosima Locher: Placebos and their Consequences in Clinical and Basic Research: Effects and Possible Ways to Harness Them
- Dr. phil. Boby Xavier Thaiparambil: Influence of Caste System on Self-Esteem and School Performance
- Dr. Sandra Scherrer: TOPAS - Internet-basiertes Stress- und Angstmanagementprogramm für Frauen mit vorzeitigen Wehen.
- Dr. phil. Judith Tonner: Nachhaltig nachhaltig? Determinanten und Interventionen für kurz- und langfristig nachhaltiges Verhalten
- Dr. phil. Verena Ehrbar: Fertility preservation in female cancer patients – psychological impact and introduction of an online decision aid
Master theses
- Silvana Arpagaus: Psychoneuroendocrine evaluation of the effects of social support-based stress management training in healthy women
- Salome Bitter: The influence of endogenous cortisol on conditioned placebo response
- ldiko Borbély: Does sleep enhance emotional learning?
- David Bürgin: Endogenous Cortisol and Placebo Response A Conditioned Placebo Analgesia Paradigm
- Silke Therese Hogg: Intergruppenvergleiche kurativ und palliativ behandelter Krebspatienten hinsichtlich Depression, Angst und der Inanspruchnahme eines psychoonkologischen Angebots
- Zoé Hunziker: Das zwischenmenschliche Vertrauen in den Versuchsleiter und die Angst als Zustand
- Maya Messerli: Perspektivenwechsel: Verhaltenstherapie aus Sicht der Patienten und deren Therapeuten
- Eveline Mosimann: Zusammenhang zwischen Mentaler Stärke, Dunkler Trieade, physischer- und soziosexueller Aktivität
- Nafisa Müller: The Influence of Expectancy on Pain Analgesia: A Randomized-Controlled Comparison of Different Placebo Inductions in Healthy Participants
- Milena Petignat: Inanspruchnahme psychoonkologischer Unterstützung: Wann führt die Absicht tatsächlich zum Verhalten?
- Jessica Plattner: Die therapeutische Beziehung und die Erwartung als Wirkkomponenten eines psychotherapeuti- schen Placebos: Eine randomisiert-kontrollierte Studie
- Sarah Schibli: Impact of a web-based stress management program on the quality of life of newly diagnosed cancer patients
- Gioia Schultheiss: Decicional Conflict and Fertility-Related Knowledge among Young Women with Cancer: Effects of a Decision-Aid-Tool
- Annina Schwander: Alliance Ruptures and their Associations with Post-Session Evaluations in the Psychotherapeutic Process of Adolescents with Borderline Symptoms
- Reka Schweighoffer: Examining the relationship of Dark Triad traits, Mental toughness, 2D:4D-ratio, sociasexuality and relationshio satisfaction in university students and their partners
- Larissa Tellini: Persönlichkeit und offenes Placebo – Der Einfluss von Optimismus und Offenheit für Erfahrungen auf die Placeboanalgesie
- Lea Walther: Animal Assisted Therapy in Neurorehabilitation: Influence of Physical Activity on Emotions
- Christoph Werner: Writing Interventions in Adults with Traumatic Experiences – A quantitative Analysis of Instructions and Meta-analysis
- Annette Aldick: Gesundheitsassoziierte Effekte psychotherapeutischer Behandlungen bei Erwachsenen mit PTBS-Symptomen: Ein theoriegeleitetes systematisches Review
- Wanda Arnskötter: Effects of Animal Presence and Contact on Frontal Brain Activity in Patients in a Minimally Conscious State (MCS): A randomized, controlled pilot study
- Marc Bohny: The Influence of Endogenous Cortisol Levels on Placebo Response
- Borislava Borislava: Working alliance and amount of contact and support in a web-based stress management program for newly diagnosed cancer patients
- Chiara Lustenberger: Generic Change Indicators in the Psychotherapy Process of Adolescents with Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder
- Giulietta Merlo: Working alliance and session evaluation in the psychotherapeutic process of adolescents with borderline symptoms and their therapists
- Oksana Zheleznyak: Placebo in theory and practice. A phenomenological analysis of the conceptualization and lived experience of placebos in healthy volunteers
- Claudia Puttinger: Plausibility and Relationship in Psychotherapy
- Thomas Sany: Erwartung und Erfolg - wie hängen Erwartungen über die Wirksamkeit einer Therapie mit deren Erfolg zusammen?
- Leonie Sutter: Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) in Neurorehabilitation: Effects on Satisfaction and Affect
- Sevde Gökpinar-Öztürk: Die Beziehung zwischen post-migratorischen Lebensschwierigkeiten und Psychopathologie bei Folter- und Kriegsopfern
- Alina Timillero: Evaluation von Prädiktoren und der Wirksamkeit stationärer Behandlung psychischer Störungen mit Response- und Remissionsraten
Centre for Psychotherapy
The Centre for Psychotherapy is associated to the Division of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy and offers clinical assessments, counseling, psychotherapy, and psychotherapeutic trainings for mental disorders and difficulties as well as psychological support during somatic diseases and disorders for all ages. The mean number of appointments per month in 2017 was 102, so that we were able to maintain the momentum of last year. The mean numbers of appointments per month and since the start of the Centre for Psychotherapy are shown in the graph below.

Members Centre for Psychotherapy 2017
- Directorate: Jens Gaab, Karin Hediger, Nadja Heimgartner, Milena Petignat
- Administration: Dilan Sezer, Cora Wagner
- Psychotherapists: Jens Gaab, Karin Hediger, Nadja Heimgartner, Sibylle Meier, Marnie Reed, Emma Jones, Dorothée Bentz, Salvator Corbisiero