Hediger K (2023). Nominated as a member of AcademiaNet by the Swiss National Science Foundation (see www.academia-net.org)
Marti R (2022). Kurzvortragspreisfor best flash presentation at the "9. Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der DGNR e. V. und DGNKN e. V.", presentation titel: "Neuronale Reaktion von Patient:innen im minimalen Bewusstseinzustand auf den Kontakt mit einem Hund"
Hediger K (10/2021-09/2026). Swiss National Science Foundation: Highly competitive Eccellenza Professorial fellowship at the University of Basel
Wagner C (2021). Student Award for best long presentation at the 30th International Society for Anthrozoology Virtual Conference
Marti R (2020). Student Award for best flash presentation at the 29th International Society for Anthrozoology Virtual Conference
Hediger K (2020). ISAZ Early Career Scholar Award
Hediger K (2020). Inger Salling Prize for Psychiatry
Wagner C (2019). Best Poster Award for the International Association of Human-Animal Interaction Organizations (IAHAIO) Conference
Hediger K (2016). Best poster award of the German Society for Neurorehabilitation (DGNR)