- Naber, A., Kreuzer, L., Zink, R., Millesi, E., Palme, R., Hediger, K. & Glenk, L. (2025). Heart rate and salivary cortisol as indicators of arousal and synchrony in clients, therapy horses and therapist in equine-assisted therapy. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 101937.
- Schaupp, J., Hediger, K., Wunderli, J., Schäffer, B., Tobias, S., Kolecka, N., & Bauer, N. (2024). Psychophysiological Effects of Walking in Forests and Urban Built Environments with Disparate Road Traffic Noise Exposure: Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial. BMC Psychology, 12(1).
- Reniers, P. W., Hediger, K., Declercq, I. J., Enders-Slegers, M.-J., Leontjevas, R., & Gerritsen, D. L. (2024b). The Development of the PET@home Toolkit: An Experience-Based Co-Design Method Study. International Journal Of Nursing Studies Advances, 6, 100189.
- Carbone, F., Gerber, E., Rérat, C., Hattendorf, J., & Hediger, K. (2024). Neuromechanisms and Subjective Experiences During Human-Dog Interactions: Assessing Motivation and Mental State in a Randomized, Controlled Trial. Authorea.
- Declercq, I.J.N., Leontjevas, R., Enders-Slegers, M.-J., Molog, M., Gerritsen, D.L., & Hediger, K. (2024). Developing a Research Agenda on NATure-based and Animal-assisted Intervention Strategies (NATAIS) in People with Neurodegenerative Diseases with a Specific Focus on Social Isolation and Loneliness: A Group Concept Mapping Procedure. BMC Geriatr,24, 795.
- Reniers, P. W. A., Hediger, K.,Declercq, I. J. N., Enders-Slegers, M. -J., Gerritsen, D. L., & Leontjevas, R. (2024). The PET@home Toolkit: A Process Evaluation Study. Animals, 14(23), 3475.
- Kreuzer, L., Naber, A., Zink, R., Millesi, E., Palme, R., Hediger, K., & Glenk, L. M. (2024). Horses’ Cardiovascular and Glucocorticoid Responses to Equine-Assisted Therapy with Women with Intellectual Disability: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 1–16.
- Reniers, P. W., Hediger, K., Declercq, I. J., Enders-Slegers, M., Leontjevas, R., & Gerritsen, D. L. (2024). The Development of the PET@home toolkit: An Experience-Based Co-Design Method Study. International Journal Of Nursing Studies Advances, 6, 100189.
- Arnskötter, W., Martin, S., Walitza, S., & Hediger, K. (2024). Effects of Including a Dog on Treatment Motivation and the Therapeutic Alliance in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Trails. 25(26).
- De Winkel, T., Van der Steen, S., Enders-Slegers, M., Griffioen, R., Haverbeke, A., Groenewoud, D. & Hediger, K. (2024). Observational Behaviors and Emotions to Assess Welfare of Dogs: A Systematic Review. Journal Of Veterinary Behavior, 72, 1–17.
- Janssens, M., Eshuis, J., Heilijgers, E., Jacobs, N., Hediger, K., Lataster, J., & Peeters, S. (2024). Animal Impact in Real‐Life: Study Protocol for an Ecological Momentary Assessment Study on the Role of Animal Characteristics in the Relationship Between Companion Animals and Mental Wellbeing. Mental Health Science, 2(1), 50-56.
- Reniers, P., Leontjevas, R., Declercq, I., Enders-Slegers, M., Gerritsen, D., & Hediger, K. (2023). P156: The Development of the PET@home Toolkit Using the Refined Experience-Based Co- Design Method (EBCD+). International Psychogeriatrics, 35(S1), 139–140.
- Naber, A., Völk, M., Hediger, K., & Zink, R. (2023). Can Equine Communication Via Audible Exhales Improve the Welfare of Therapy Horses? – A Pilot Practice project. Human-Animal Interactions, 11,1.
- Enders-Slegers, M.-J., & Hediger, K. (2023). Dieren als Assistent-Behandelaars? Huisarts en Wetenschap. 66(6), 27-29.
- Reniers, P., Leontjevas, R., Declercq, I., Enders-Slegers, M.-J., Gerritsen, D., & Hediger, K. (2023). The Roles of Pets in Long-Term Care at Home: A Qualitative Study. Preprint:
- Reniers, P., Declercq, I., Hediger, K., Enders-Slegers, M.-J., Gerritsen, D. L., & Leontjevas, R. (2023). The Role of Pets in the Support Systems of Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Qualitative Systematic Review. Aging & Mental Health.27(7), 1377-1387.
- Locher, C., Petignat, M., Wagner, C., Hediger, K., Roth, B., Gaab, J., & Koechlin, H. (2023). Animal-Assisted Psychotherapy for Pediatric Chronic Pain: Case Series of an Open Pilot Study to Test Initial Feasibility and Potential Efficacy. Journal of Pain Research. 16, 1799-1811.
- Groenewoud, D., Enders-Slegers, M. J., Leontjevas, R., Van Dijke, A., De Winkel, T., & Hediger, K. (2023). Children's Bond with Companion Animals and Associations with Psychosocial Health: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychology. 14, 1120000.
- Wagner, C., Gaab, J., & Hediger, K. (2023). The Importance of the Treatment Rationale in Animal-Assisted Intervention in Pain - A Randomized Controlled Trial in Healthy Participants. Journal of Pain. 2, 1526-5900.
- Reniers, P., Leontjevas, R., Declercq, I., Molog, M., Enders-Slegers, M., Gerritsen, D., & Hediger, K. (2023). Betekenis van Huisdieren in de Langdurige Thuiszorg. Tijdschrift Voor Gerontologie En Geriatrie, 4.
- Reniers, P. W. A., Declercq, I. J. N., Hediger, K., Enders-Slegers, M-J., Gerritsen, D. L., & Leontjevas, R. (2022). The Role of Pets in the Support Systems of Community-Swelling Older Adults: A Qualitative Systematic Review, Aging & Mental Health, 1-11.
- Marti, R., Petignat, M., Marcar, V., Hattendorf, J., Wolf, M., Hund-Georgiadis, M., & Hediger, K. (2022). Effects of Contact with a Dog on Prefrontal Brain Activity: A Controlled Trial. PLoS ONE, 17 (10), e0274833.
- Reniers, P., Leontjevas, R., Declercq, I., Enders-Slegers, M.-J., Gerritsen, D., & Hediger, K. (2022). The Significance of Pets for Vulnerable Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Explorative Qualitative Study. Animals, 12 (20), 2752.
- Pręgowski, M., Hediger, K., & Enders-Slegers, M.-J. (2022). The Two Sides of the Human-Animal Bond. Reflections on Using and Abusing Companion Animals. In S. Pollo & A. Vitale (Eds.), Human-Animal Relationships in Transformation. Scientific, moral and legal perspectives (pp. 193-216). Palgrave MacMillan.
- Zinsstag, J., Hediger, K., Maidane Osman, Y., Abukhattab, S., Crump, L., Kaiser-Grolimund, A., Mauti, S., Ahmed, A., Hattendorf, J., Bonfoh, B., Heitz-Tokpa, K., Berger Gonzalez, M., Bucher, A., Lechenne, M., Tschopp, R., Obrist, B., & Pelikan, K. (2022). The Promotion and Development of One Health at Swiss TPH and its Greater Potential. Diseases, 10 (3), 65.
- Hediger, K., Marti, R., Urfer, V., Schenk, A., Gutwein, V., & Dörr, C. (2022). Effects of a Dog-Assisted Social- and Emotional-Competence Training for Prisoners: A Controlled Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 19 (17), 10553.
- Künzi, P., Ackert, M., grosse Holtforth, M., Hund-Georgiadis, M., & Hediger, K. (2022). Effects of Animal-Assisted Psychotherapy Incorporating Mindfulness and Self-Compassion in Neurorehabilitation: A Randomized Controlled Feasibility Trial. Scientific Reports, 12, 10898.
- Wagner, C., Grob, C., & Hediger, K. (2022). Specific and Non-Specific Factors of Animal-Assisted Interventions Considered in Research: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 931347.
- Köchlin, H., & Hediger, K. (2021). Tiergestützte Schmerztherapie. Hilfreich bei chronischen Schmerzen im Kindes- und Jugendalter? Schweizer Zeitschrift Pädiatrie, 5, 8-11.
- Hediger, K., & Marti, R. (2021). Tiergestützte Therapie bei schweren Bewusstseinsstörungen. Schweizer Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie und Neurologie, 5, 36-38.
- Reniers, P., Declercq, I., Gerritsen, D., Hediger, K., Enders-Slegers, M., & Leontjevas, R. (2021). 216 - ECN Award: ‘The Meaning of Companion-Animal Support in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: An Integrative Review’. International Psychogeriatrics, 33 (S1), 17-17.
- Leontjevas, R., Enders-Slegers, M., Reniers, P., Declerq, I., Gerritsen, D., & Hediger, K. (2021). 519 - PET@home: Research Protocol for a Toolkit to Improve Care for Non-Reidential Long Term Care Clients Owning Pets. International Psychogeriatrics, 33 (S1), 68-68.
- Wagner, C., Gaab, J., Locher, C., & Hediger, K. (2021). Lack of Effects of the Presence of a Dog on Pain Perception – A Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Pain Research, 2, 87.
- Hediger, K., Wagner, J., Künzi, P., Theis, F., Haefeli, A., & Gerger, H. (2021). Effectiveness of Animal-Assisted Interventions for Children and Adults with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 12 (1), 1879713.
- Koechlin, H., & Hediger, K. (2021). Das Potential tiergestützter Therapie zur Behandlung chronischer Schmerzen im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Verhaltenstherapie und Psychosoziale Praxis, 53 (1), 67-80.
- Arnskötter, W., Marcar, V., Hund-Georgiadis, M., & Hediger, K. (2021). Animal Presence Modulates Frontal Brain Activity of Patients in a Minimally Conscious State: A Pilot Study. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 18, 1-13.
- Hediger, K., & Beetz, A. (2021). Lernen und Konzentration. In A. Beetz, M. Riedel, & R. Wohlfarth (Eds.), Tiergestützte Interventionen: Handbuch für die Aus- und Weiterbildung (pp. 261-270). Ernst Reinhardt, München.
- Hediger, K., & Debuse, D. (2021). Schädel-Hirn-Trauma. In A. Beetz, M. Riedel, & R. Wohlfarth (Eds.), Tiergestützte Interventionen: Handbuch für die Aus- und Weiterbildung (pp. 372-382). Ernst Reinhardt, München.
- Hediger, K. (2021). Freie Interaktionen zwischen Klient und Pferd in der pferdegestützten Psychotherapie. In Gäng, M. & Gäng-Schürch, S. (Eds.), Therapeutisches Reiten (pp. 105-124). Ernst Reinhardt, München.
- Hediger, K., & Beetz, A. (2021). Benefits of Human-Animal Interactions for Mental Health and Well-being. In Zinsstag, J., Schelling, E., Crump, L., Whittaker, M., Tanner, M & Stephen, C. (Eds.), One Health: The Theory and Practice of Integrated Health Approaches, 2nd edition (pp.344-355). CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
- Turner, D.C., & Hediger, K. (2021). The Role of Companion Animals in Supporting Human Patients with Non-communicable Diseases. In Zinsstag, J., Schelling, E., Crump, L., Whittaker, M., Tanner, M & Stephen, C. (Eds.), One Health: The Theory and Practice of Integrated Health Approaches, 2nd edition (pp. 298-309). CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
- Hediger, K., Grimm, H., & Aigner, A. (2021). Ethics of Animal-Assisted Psychotherapy. In Trachsel, M., Gaab, J., Biller-Adorno, N., Tekin, S. & Sadler, J. (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of Psychotherapy Ethics (pp. 904-916). The Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- Hediger, K. (2021). From Bench to Barn to Bed: Investigating and Utilizing the Effects and Mechanisms of Animal-Assisted Interventions. Habilitation, University of Basel.
- Hediger, K., Künzi, P., Theis, F., Häfeli, A., Gerger, H., & Wagner, J. (2021). Animal-Assisted Interventions for Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews, CRD42019141584.
- Schaub, K., Ulrich, M., Zuber, D., Munch, L., Hediger, K., Marcar, V. L., Hund-Georgiadis, M., & Huber, M. (2020). Making Daily Life Perceptible – Impacts of Therapy According to the Affolter Modellő on the Consciousness and Ability Recovery in a patient in the Minimally Conscious State (MCS) minus. Ergoscience, 15 (2), 66-77.
- Wirth, S., Gebhardt-Henrich, S. G., Riemer, S., Hattendorf, J., Zinsstag, J., & Hediger, K. (2020). The Influence of Human Interaction on Guinea Pigs: Behavioral and Thermographic Changes During Animal-Assisted Therapy. Physiology and Behavior, 225, 113076.
- Theis, F., Luck, F., Hund-Georgiadis, M., & Hediger, K. (2020). Influences of Animal-Assisted Therapy on Episodic Memory in Patients with Acquired Brain Injuries. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17 (22), 8466.
- Rodriguez, K. E., LaFollette, M. R., Hediger, K., Ogata, N., & O’Haire, M. E. (2020). Defining the PTSD service dog intervention: Perceived importance, usage, and symptom specificity of psychiatric service dogs for military veterans. Frontiers in Psychology, 11 (1638),
- Boitier, J. P., Huber, M., Saleh, C., Kerry, M. J., Hund-Georgiadis, M., & Hediger, K. (2020). Is Animal-Assisted Therapy for Minimally Conscious State Beneficial? A Case Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 11 (491).
- Hediger, K., Boek, F., Sachers, J., Blankenburg, U., Antonius-Kluger, E., Rist, B., Schaudek, M., Staudt, M., & Kluger, G. (2020). Dog-Assisted Therapy in Neurorehabilitation of Children with Severe Neurological impairment: An Explorative Study. Neuropediatrics, 51 (4), 267-274.
- Hediger, K., & Zink, R. (2020). Pferdegestützte Traumatherapie (zweite überarbeitete Auflage). Ernst Reinhardt, München.
- Hediger, K., Petignat, M., Marti, R., & Hund-Georgiadis, M. (2019). Animal-assisted therapy for patients in a minimally conscious state: A randomized two treatment multi-period crossover trial. PLoS ONE, 14 (10), e0222846.
- Wagner, C., Lang, U., & Hediger, K. (2019). There Is a Cat on Our Ward”: Inpatient and Staff Member Attitudes toward and Experiences with Cats in a Psychiatric Ward. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 16 (17), 3108.
- Hediger, K., & Zink, R. (2019). Pferdegestützte Traumatherapie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. Verhaltenstherapie mit Kindern und Jugendlichen – Zeitschrift für die psychosoziale Praxis, 15 (1), 7-19.
- Naber, A., Kreuzer, L., Zink, R., Millesi, E., Palme, R., Hediger, K., & Glenk, L. M. (2019). Heart Rate, Heart Rate Variability and Salivary Cortisol as Indicators of Arousal and Synchrony in Clients with Intellectual Disability, Horses and Therapist During Equine-Assisted Interventions. Pet Behaviour Science, 7, 17-23.
- Hediger K., Thommen S., Wagner C., Gaab J., & Hund-Georgiadis, M. (2019). Effects of Animal-Assisted Therapy on Social Behaviour in Patients with Acquired Brain Injury: A Randomised Controlled Trial. Scientific Reports, 9 (1), 5831.
- Enders-Slegers, M. J., & Hediger, K. (2019). Pet Ownership and Human-Animal Interaction in an Aging Population: Rewards and Challenges. Anthrozoös, 32 (2), 255-265.
- Hediger, K., Meisser, A., & Zinsstag, J. (2019). A One Health Research Framework for Animal-Assisted Interventions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (4), E640.
- Hediger, K. (2019). Tiergestützte Therapie bei Kinder und Jugendlichen [Animal-Assisted Therapy in Children and Adolescents]. Pädiatrische Praxis, 91 (3), 373-379.
- Hediger, K. (2019). Tiergestützte Therapie bei Kinder und Jugendlichen [Animal-Assisted Therapy in Children and Adolescents]. Internistische Praxis, 61 (3), 489-495.
- Hediger, K., & Wirth, S. (2019). Meerschweinchen in tiergestützten Interventionen: Was wir aus der Forschung über den Umgang mit diesen Tieren lernen können. In Otterstedt, C. (Eds.), Meerscheinchen - Bunte Reihe, Heft 7. Stiftung Bündnis Mensch und Tier, Bremen.
- Hediger, K. (2019). Global Best Practices in Applying AAI. Snapshot Four: Integrating Animals Into Neurorehabilitation. In Fine A. (Eds.), Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy, Foundations and Guidelines for Animal-Assisted Interventions. 5th edition. (pp. 435-437). Academic Press, San Diego.
- Enders-Slegers, M.-J., Hediger, K., Beetz, A., Jegatheeson, B., & Turner, D. C. (2019). AAI in an International Perspective: Trends, Research and Practices. In Fine A. (Eds.), Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy, Foundations and Guidelines for Animal-Assisted Interventions. 5th edition (pp. 465-478). Academic Press, San Diego.
- Hediger, K., Beetz, A., & Wohlfarth, R. (2019). Tiergestützte Verhaltenstherapie. In Pfeifer, E. (Eds.), Natur in Psychotherapie und Künstlerischer Therapie. Theoretische, methodische und praktische Grundlagen. Band II. (pp. 431-450). Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen.
- Hediger, K., Beetz, A., & Wohlfarth, R. (2019). Praxis der tiergestützten Verhaltenstherapie. In Pfeifer, E. (Eds.), Natur in Psychotherapie und Künstlerischer Therapie. Theoretische, methodische und praktische Grundlagen. Band II (pp. 451-468). Psychosozial-Verlag, Giessen.
- Gaab, J., Wagner, C., Petignat, M., & Hediger, K. (2019). Vom animalischen Magnetismus zur tiergestützten Therapie: Warum das Placebo und seine Effekte für die Theorie und die Praxis wichtig ist. Tiergestützte, 2, 28-33.
- Dörr, C., & Hediger, K. (2019). Tiergestütztes Training emotionaler und sozialer Kompetenzen mit Hunden im Strafvollzug. Standardisierung eines niederschwelligen Behandlungsangebots. Forum Strafvollzug – Zeitschrift für Strafvollzug und Straffälligenhilfe, 69(3), 206-210.
- Templin J.*, Hediger K.*, Wagner, C., & Lang, U. E. (2018). Relationship Between Patient Satisfaction and the Presence of Cats in Psychiatric Wards. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 24 (12), 1219-1220. (* shared first-authorship)
- Gut W., Crump L., Zinsstag J., Hattendorf J., & Hediger, K. (2018). The Effect of Human Interaction on Guinea Pig Behaviour in Animal-Assisted Therapy. Journal of Veterinary Behaviour: Clinical Applications and Research, 25, 56-64.
- Gocheva, V., Hund-Georgiadis, M., & Hediger, K. (2018). Effects of Animal-Assisted Therapy on Concentration and Attention Span in Patients with Acquired Brain Injuries: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Neuropsychology, 32 (1), 54-64.
- Hediger, K., & Beetz, A. (2018). Lernen und Konzentration. In A. Beetz, M. Riedel, & R. Wohlfarth (Eds.), Handbuch tiergestützter Interventionen (pp. 261-270). Ernst Reinhardt, München.
- Hediger, K., & Debuse, D. (2018). Schädel-Hirn-Trauma. In A. Beetz, M. Riedel, & R. Wohlfarth (Eds.), Handbuch tiergestützter Interventionen (pp. 369-379). Ernst Reinhardt, München.
- Hediger, K., & Hund-Georgiadis, M. (2017). Animal-Assisted Therapy in the View of Staff Members Before and After Implementation in a Rehabilitation Clinic. Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin, 5 (2), 61-73.
- Hediger, K., & Zink, R. (2017). Pferdegestützte Traumatherapie. Ernst Reinhardt, München.
- Hediger, K., Gee, N. R., & Griffin J. A. (2017). Do Animals in the Classroom Improve Learning, Attention, or other Aspects of Cognition? In Gee, N. R., Fine, A. H. & McCardle, P. (Eds.), How Animals Help Students Learn: Research and Practice for Educators and Mental-Health Professionals (pp. 21-39). Routledge, Taylor Francis Group, New York.
- Hediger, K. (2016). Freie Interaktionen zwischen Patient und Pferd in der pferdegestützten Psychotherapie. In Gäng, M. (Eds.), Therapeutisches Reiten (pp. 105-124). Ernst Reinhardt, München.
- Beetz, A., Hediger, K., & Turner, D. C. (2016). IAHAIO Weissbuch 2014: Definition der IAHAIO für tiergestützte Interventionen und Richtlinien für das Wohlbefinden der beteiligten Tiere. Tiergestützte, 1, 32-35.
- Schramm, E., Hediger, K., & Lang U. E. (2015). From Animal Behavior to Human Health: A Nature and Animal-Assisted Mindfulness Intervention for Recurrent Depression. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 223 (3), 192-200.
- Hediger, K., & Beetz, A. (2015). The Role of Human-Animal Interaction in Education. In Zinsstag, J., Schelling, E., Waltner-Toews, D., Whittaker, M. & Tanner, M. (Eds.), One health: The Theory and Practice of Integrated Health Approaches (pp.73-84). CAB International, Wallingford, UK.
- Hediger, K. (2015). Tiergestützte Interventionen bei psychisch erkrankten Menschen. Pro Mente Sana Aktuell, 2, 11-13.
- Hediger, K., & Turner, D. C. (2014). Can Dogs Increase Children's Attention and Concentration Performance? A Randomized Controlled Trial. Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin, 2 (2), 21-39.
- Hediger, K. (2014). Tiergestützte Therapie am REHAB Basel. Einblicke in Aufbau, Umsetzung und wissenschaftliche Begleitung. Tiergestützte, 2, 22-24.
- Hediger, K. (2013). Vierbeiner öffnen Türen für die Therapie. Psychologie und Erziehung, 39 (1), 68-70.
- Hediger, K., (2012). Hunde und die Stressreaktion unsicher und desorganisiert gebundener Kinder. Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen. (PhD: summa cum laude)
- Beetz, A., Kotrschal, K., Turner, D. C., Hediger, K., Uvnäs-Moberg, K., & Julius, H. (2011). The Effect of a Real Dog, Toy Dog and Friendly Person on Insecurely Attached Children During a Stressful Task: An Exploratory Study. Anthrozoös, 24 (4), 349-468.
- Rimmele, U., Hediger, K., Heinrichs, M., & Klaver, P. (2009). Oxytocin makes a face in memory familiar. Journal of Neuroscience, 29 (1), 38-42.