Prof. Dr. Rainer Greifeneder
Professor (Sozialpsychologie)
Missionsstrasse 64A
My research focuses on how individuals make sense of the social world in which they live, and how this social world influences their thinking and feeling. I am particularly interested in the impact feelings have on judgment and decisions, and on individuals’ experience and perception of social ostracism.
I head the Center for Social Psychology at the University of Basel.
I serve as the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology.
You can find out more about me on ORCID, GoogleScholar, ResearchGate and LinkedIn.
Stumpp, L., Jauch, M., Sezer, D., Gaab, J., & Greifeneder, R. (in press). Effects of an Open-label Placebo Intervention on Reactions to Social Exclusion in Healthy Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Scientific Reports.
Albath, E., Büttner, C., Rudert, S. C., Sibley, C., & Greifeneder, R. (in press). Young, Unemployed, Excluded: Unemployed Young Adults Report More Ostracism. European Journal of Social Psychology.
Büttner, C., Jauch, M., Marinucci, M., Williams, K. D., Greifeneder, R., Riva, P., & Rudert, S. C. (in press). It will (never) stop hurting: Do repeated or chronic experiences of exclusion lead to hyper- or hyposensitive psychological responses? Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
Jaffé, M., Douneva, M., Bartlome, R., & Greifeneder, R. (2023). A million reasons or just one? How a coin flip impact the number of relevant reasons for decisions. European Journal of Social Psychology, 53, 872-889.
Jauch, M., Büttner, C. M., Rudert, S. C., & Greifeneder, R. (2023). Expecting Exclusion: Does Bracing for the Worst Buffer the Pain of Social Exclusion? European Journal of Social Psychology, 53, 746–765.
Jauch, M., Rudert, C. S., & Greifeneder, R. (2022). Social pain by non-social agents: Exclusion hurts and provokes punishment even if the excluding source is a computer. Acta Psychologica, 230. Editors‘ Choice 2022.
Jaffé, M. E., Douneva, M., Reutner, L., & Greifeneder, R. (2022). This feels like the right choice: How decision aids may facilitate affect-based valuation. Cognition & Emotion, 36, 1218-1237.
Nahon, L. S., Teige-Mocigemba, S., Reber, R., & Greifeneder, R. (2021). Truth feels easy: Knowing information is true enhances experienced processing fluency. Cognition, 215, doi: 10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104819
Greifeneder, R., & Gloster, A. (2021). Clinical and Social Psychology: Identifying Commonalities and Synergies to Advance Research and Practice. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 3, 143-194. Link
Jaffé, M. E., & Greifeneder, R. (2021). Negative or Negated, Thus True? An Investigation of Concept Valence and Semantic Negation as Drivers of Framing Effects in Judgments of Truth. Social Cognition, 39, 687-716. doi: 10.1521/soco.2021.39.6.687
Rudert, S. C., Janke, S., & Greifeneder, R. (2020). The experience of ostracism over the adult life span. Developmental Psychology, 56, 1999-2012. doi: 10.1037/dev0001096Open Access
Greifeneder, R., Jaffé, M. E., Newman, E. J., & Schwarz, N. (2020). What is New and True about Fake News? . In R. Greifeneder, M. E. Jaffé, E. J. Newman, & N. Schwarz (Eds.), The Psychology of Fake News - Accepting, Sharing, and Correcting Misinformation (pp. 1-8). London: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. Open access
Rudert, S. C., Keller, M. D., Hales, A. H., Walker, M., & Greifeneder, R. (2020). Who gets ostracized? A personality perspective on risk and protective factors of ostracism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118, 1247–1268. doi: 10.1037/pspp0000271
Eck, J., Schoel, C., Reinhard, M. A., & Greifeneder, R. (2020). When and why being ostracized affects veracity judgments. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 46, 454 –468. doi: 10.1177/0146167219860135
Jaffé, M., Rudert, S. C., & Greifeneder, R. (2019). You should go for diversity, but I’d rather stay with similar others: Social distance modulates the preference for diversity. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 85. doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2019.103881
Rudert, S. C., Greifeneder, R., & Williams, K. D. (Eds.). (2019). Current Directions in Ostracism, Social Exclusion and Rejection Research. London and New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781351255912
Greifeneder, R., & Rudert, S. C. (2019). About Flames and Boogeymen: Social norms affect individuals’ construal of social exclusion. In S. C. Rudert, R. Greifeneder, & K. Williams (Eds.), Current Directions in Ostracism, Social Exclusion and Rejection (pp. 32-48). London: Routledge. edoc
Douneva, M., Jaffé, M., & Greifeneder, R. (2019). Toss and Turn or Toss and Stop? A Coin Flip Reduces the Need for Information in Decision-Making. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 83, 132-141. doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2019.04.003
Tafani, E., Roux, E., & Greifeneder, R. (2018). In the mood for action: When negative program-induced mood improves the behavioral effectiveness of TV commercials. Journal of Business Research, 84, 125-140. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2017.11.023
Unkelbach, C., & Greifeneder, R. (2018). Experiential fluency and declarative advice jointly inform judgments of truth. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 79, 78-86. doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2018.06.010
Rudert, S. C., Sutter, D., Corrodi, V. C., & Greifeneder, R. (2018). Who’s to Blame? Dissimilarity as a Cue in Moral Judgments of Observed Ostracism Episodes. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115, 31-53. doi: 10.1037/pspa0000122
Reber, R., & Greifeneder, R. (2017). Processing Fluency in Education: How Metacognitive Feelings Shape Learning, Belief Formation, and Affect. Educational Psychologist, 52, 84-103. doi: 10.1080/00461520.2016.1258173
You can find an automated list of my publications here.
I am regularly teaching lectures and seminars on social psychology, on the BSc, MSc, and PhD level.
You can find an automated list of my currenct and upcoming courses here.
For my teaching, I was awarded the University of Basel Teaching Excellence Award 2019 "Starke Fundamente".
The students of the Department of Psychology of the University of Basel have awarded me their prize for excellent teaching in 2017 and 2019.
2011 Habilitation, University of Mannheim, Germany, Venia Legendi Psychology
2007 PhD, Social Psychology, University of Mannheim, Germany
2003 Graduate Studies, Psychology, University of Mannheim, Germany
2002 Graduate Studies, Fulbright Scholar, Social Psychology, University of Virginia, USA
2001 Undergraduate Studies, Psychology, University of Mannheim, Germany
Consulting Editor: Emotion; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making; Social Influence; Zeitschrift für Psychologie
Adhoc Reviewing:Acta Psychologica; Applied Cognitive Psychology; Basic and Applied Social Psychology; British Journal of Social Psychology; Cognition; Cognition and Emotion; Current Directions in Psychological Science; Emotion; European Journal of Cognitive Psychology; European Journal of Marketing; European Journal of Social Psychology; Experimental Psychology; International Journal of Psychology; Journal of Applied Social Psychology; Journal of Behavioral Decision Making; Journal of Consumer Behavior; Journal of Economic Psychology; Journal of Experimental Child Psychology; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General; Journal of Experimental Social Psychology; Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; L’Année Psychologique; Marketing ZFP; Memory & Cognition; Motivation and Emotion; Personality and Individual Differences; Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin; Perspectives on Psychological Science; Psychological Bulletin; Psychology & Marketing; Psychology of Popular Media Culture; Science; Social Cognition; Social Psychology; Social Psychological and Personality Science; Social Justice Research; Soziale Welt; Swiss Journal of Psychology; Weather, Climate, and Society
Member Regenz, University of Basel
Member Scientific Advisory Board Forum Basiliense
Member University Library Committee, University of Basel
Member Commission Scientific Award of the City of Basel, Switzerland
Mentor Swiss Study Foundation