2020: Alone together

What a year! Amidst all challenges and troubles, the team stood/sat/zoomed together as if there will be a new tomorrow, dug up some unbeknown resilience to keep the wheels turning (metaphorically and in real) and all in all had all the fun that was ever to be had. This was topped by three (yes, three) laureates for the Inger Salling Prize and the approval of a SNSF Eccellenza grant. Dizzying, really. Besides all that, we again exceeded any previous numbers for publications (45), summed-up impact factor (102.5) and funded projects (overall 13 grants, with 7 running SNF project and career grants). Also, our postgraduate trainings CAS in Animal-Assisted Therapy, CAS in Motivational Interviewing and the MAS in Person-Centered Psychotherapy are now running under full steam, with the new MAS in Process-based Psychotherapy all set to start in 2021. Furthermore, our Center for Psychotherapy again exhibited another all time high and again saw an increase of well over 20% in appointments. Admittedly, this was all rather taxing at times, but always rewarding and worth all our shared efforts. We were often required to work alone, but we always worked together. Oh and yes, wichteln was also part of this... Humbly and at your service, JG/January 2021
Members of the division 2020
Judith Alder, Berfin Bakis, Clara Bruhin, Sarah Bürgler, Rainer Bürki, Carmina Grob, Bojana Degen, Antje Frey Nascimento, Lena Greschner, Anja Holder, Karin Hediger, Nadja Heimgartner, Marc Inderbinen, Joe Kossowsky, Linda Kost, Helen Koechlin, Roshin Kunnel John, Noortje Vriends, Cosima Locher, Emma Marchal-Jones, Yoon Phaik Ooi, Milena Petignat, Marnie Reed, Mareike Rytz, Rahel Marti, Otto Schmid, Dilan Sezer, Ronan Zimmermann, Cora Wagner and Jens Gaab
Publications 2020 (total impact factor: 102.5)
- Locher C, R Mansour R, H Koechlin H, S Büchi S (2020). Patient-appraised beneficial moments during inpatient psychiatric treatment. BMC Health Services Research 20 (1), 1-10, IF: 2.0
- Gaab J, Ziem M, Flückiger C (2020). Humanistische und experientielle Psychotherapieverfahren. In: J. Hoyer und S. Knappe (Hrsg.), Klinische Psychologie & Psychotherapie, Springer-Verlag
- Blease C, Locher C, Leon-Carlyle M, Doraiswamy M (2020). Artificial intelligence and the future of psychiatry: Qualitative findings from a global physician survey. Digit Health. Oct 27;6:2055207620968355. doi: 10.1177/2055207620968355. PMID: 33194219; PMCID: PMC7597571.
- Blease C, Kharko A, Annoni M, Gaab J, Locher C (2020). Machine Learning in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Education: A Survey of Postgraduate Students at a Swiss University. medRxiv 2020.11.15.20231308; doi:https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.11.15.20231308
- Song* W, Kossowsky* J, Torous J, Chen CY, Huang H, Mukamal KJ, Berde CB, Bates DW, Wright A (2020). Genome-wide association analysis of opioid use disorder: A novel approach using clinical data. Drug Alcohol Depend. Sep 15;217:108276. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2020.108276. IF: 4.0
- Lee-Archer PF, Kossowsky J, Cravero JP (2020). If the watch fits-Wear it. Paediatr Anaesth. May;30(5):518-519. doi: 10.1111/pan.13835. PMID: 32500966. IF: 2.2
- Davies AF, Hill P, Fay D, Dee A, Locher C (2020). Body Reprogramming: Reframing the Fibromyalgia narrative and providing an integrative therapeutic model. Health Psychology Open. July. doi:10.1177/2055102920971494, IF: 1.3
- Hediger, K. & Beetz, A. (2020). Benefits of Human-Animal Interactions for Mental Health and Well-being. In: Zinsstag, J., Schelling, E., Crump, L., Whittaker, M., Tanner, M & Stephen, C. (eds.) One health: The Theory and Practice of Integrated Health Approaches, 2nd edition. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp.344-355.
- Turner, D.C. & Hediger, K. (2020). Animals in Clinical Management of Human Non-communicable Diseases. In: Zinsstag, J., Schelling, E., Crump, L., Whittaker, M., Tanner, M & Stephen, C. (eds.) One health: The Theory and Practice of Integrated Health Approaches, 2nd edition. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 298-309.
- Favaretto M, De Clercq E, Gaab J, Elger BS (2020). First do no harm: An exploration of researchers' ethics of conduct in Big Data behavioral studies. PLOS ONE 15(11):e0241865. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241865. PMID: 33152039. IF: 2.9
- Theis, F., Luck, F., Hund-Georgiadis, M. & Hediger, K. (2020) Influences of Animal-Assisted Therapy on Episodic Memory in Patients with Acquired Brain Injuries. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17(22), 8466; doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17228466. IF: 2.5
- Kunnel John R, Meyer A, Waldmeier A, Xavier B, Gaab J (2020). Governmental Ranking of Class and Academic Performance of Indian Adolescents. PLOS ONE 15(11): e0241483. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0241483, IF: 2.9
- Schaub, K., Ulrich, M., Zuber, D., Munch, L., Hediger, K., Marcar, V.L., Hund-Georgiadis, M. & Huber, M. (2020). Making daily life perceptible – Impacts of therapy according to the Affolter Modell® on the consciousness and ability recovery in a patient in the Minimally Conscious State (MCS) minus. Ergoscience, 15(2): 66-76
- Hediger, K., & Zink, R. (2020). Pferdegestützte Traumatherapie (zweite überarbeitete Auflage). München: Ernst Reinhardt Verlag
- Koechlin H, Locher C, Prchal A (2020). Talking to Children and Families about Chronic Pain: The Importance of Pain Education—An Introduction for Pediatricians and Other Health Care Providers. Children 2020, 7, 179; doi:10.3390/children710017, IF: 2.1
- Alder, J. (2020). ACT in der Psychoonkologie: Ein Praxisleitfaden. Göttingen: Hogrefe
- Urech C, Eussen SRBM, Alder J, Stahl B, Boehm G, Bitzer J, Bartke N, Hoesli I (2020). Levels of n-3 and n-6 Fatty Acids in Maternal Erythrocytes during Pregnancy and in Human Milk and Its Association with Perinatal Mental Health. Nutrients, 12, 2773. IF: 4.5
- Rodriguez KE, LaFollette MR, Hediger K, Ogata N and O’Haire ME (2020) Defining the PTSD Service Dog Intervention: Perceived Importance, Usage, and Symptom Specificity of Psychiatric Service Dogs for Military
Veterans. Front. Psychol. 11:1638. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01638, IF: 2.1 - Weise S, Parzer P, Zimmermann R, Fürer L, Resch F, Kaess M, Koenig J (2020). Emotion Dysregulation and Resting-State Autonomic Function in Adolescent Borderline Personality Disorder - A Multimodal Assessment Approach. Personal Disord. Jan; 11(1):46-53. IF: 2.4
- Schenk N, Fürer L; Zimmermann R, Steppan M, Schmeck K 1 (2021). Alliance Ruptures and Resolutions in Personality Disorders. Current Psychiatry Reports volume 23, Article number: 1. IF: 4.5
- Schenk, N., Rosset, V., Inderbinen, M., Fürer, L., Schmeck, K., & Schlüter-Müller, S. (2020). Alliance Ruptures in der Psychotherapie von Jugendlichen mit Borderline-Persönlichkeitspathologie: Gefahr oder Chance?. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 69(1), 60-81. IF: 0.3
- Wirth, S., Gebhardt-Henrich, S.G., Riemer, S., Hattendorf, J., Zinsstag, J. & Hediger, K. (2020). The influence of human interaction on guinea pigs: behavioral and thermographic changes during animal-assisted therapy. Physiology and Behavior, Volume 225, 15 October 2020, 113076. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physbeh.2020.113076. IF: 2.8
- Hediger, K., Aigner, A. & Grimm, H. (2020). Ethics of animal-assisted psychotherapy. In: Trachsel, M., Tekin, S., Biller-Andorno, N., Gaab, J. & Sadler, J. (Eds). The Oxford Handbook of Psychotherapy Ethics. Oxford: The Oxford University Press, DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198817338.013.75
- Degroote C, Schwaninger A, Heimgartner N, Hedinger P, Ehlert U, and Wirtz PH (2020). Acute Stress Improves Concentration Performance – Opposite Effects of Anxiety and Cortisol. Experimental Psychology, 67(2), 88–98 doi.org/10.1027/1618-3169/a000481. IF: 1.0
- Fürer L, Schenk N, Roth V, Steppan M, Schmeck K and Zimmermann R (2020). Supervised Speaker Diarization Using Random Forests: A Tool for Psychotherapy. Process Research. Front. Psychol. 11:1726. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.0172. IF: 2.1
- Evers A, Colloca L, Blease C, Gaab J, Jensen K, Atlas LY, Beedie C, Benedetti F, Bingel U, Büchel C, Bussemaker J, Colagiuri B, Crum AJ, Finniss D, Geers A, Howick J, Klinger R, Meeuwis SH, Meissner K, Napadow V, Petrie K, Rief W, Smeeets I, Wager T, Wanigasekera V, Vase L, Kelley JM, Kirsch I (2020). What should clinicians tell patients about placebo and nocebo effects? Practical considerations based on expert consensus. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, DOI: 10.1159/000510738. IF: 14.9
- Bernstein MH, Locher C, Kube T, Buergler S, Stewart-Ferrer S and Blease C (2020) Putting the ‘Art’ Into the ‘Art of Medicine’: The Under-Explored Role of Artifacts in Placebo Studies. Front. Psychol. 11:1354. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01354, IF: 2.1
- Bernstein, M.H., Locher, C., Stewart‐Ferrer, S., Buergler, S., DesRoches, C.M., Dossett, M.L., Miller, F.G., Grose, D. and Blease, C.R. (2020), Primary care providers' use of and attitudes towards placebos: An exploratory focus group study with US physicians. Br J Health Psychol. doi.org/10.1111/bjhp.12429. IF: 2.5
- Song W, Torous J, Kossowsky J, Chen CY, Huang H, Wright A (2020). Genome-wide association analysis of insomnia using data from partners Biobank. Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1-8. IF: 4.0
- Boitier JP, Huber M, Saleh C, Kerry-Krause MJ, Hund-Georgiadis M, Hediger K (2020). Is Animal-Assisted Therapy for Minimally Conscious State Beneficial? A Case Study. Front. Psychiatry, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00491. IF: 3.2
- Zimmermann, R., Fürer, L., Schenk, N., Koenig, J., Roth, V., Schlüter-Müller, S., Kaess, M., & Schmeck, K. (2020). Silence in the psychotherapy of adolescents with borderline personality pathology. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. Advance online publication. doi.org/10.1037/per0000402. IF: 4.7
- Blease CR, Kharko A, Locher C, DesRoches CM, Mandl KD (2020). US Primary Care in 2029: A Delphi Survey on the Impact of Machine Learning. medRxiv 2020.05.08.20095224; doi:https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.05.08.20095224
- Gerger H, Frey Nascimento A, Locher C, Gaab J, Trachsel M (2020). What are the Key Characteristics of a 'Good' Psychotherapy? Calling for Ethical Patient Involvement. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 02 June 2020, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00406. IF: 2.8
- Hediger K, Boek F, Sachers J, Rist B, Schaudek M, Staudt M, Blankenburg U, Antonius-Kluger E, Kluger G (2020). Dog-Assisted Therapy in Neurorehabilitation of Children with Severe Neurological Impairment: An Explorative Study. Neuropediatrics, doi.org 10.1055/s-0040-1708545. IF: 1.7
- Blease C, Arnott T, Kelley JM, Proctor G, Kube T, Gaab J, Locher C (2020). Attitudes about Informed Consent: An Exploratory Qualitative Analysis of UK Psychotherapy Trainees. Frontiers in Psychiatry. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2020.00183, IF: 2.8
- Donado, C., Friedrich, Y., Kossowsky, J., Locher, C., & Koechlin, H. (2020). Exposure to parental depressive symptoms: A longitudinal analysis on the association with adolescents’ de-pressive symptoms and adjustment problems. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. doi:10.1097/DBP.0000000000000820, IF: 2.3
- Locher, C., Mansour, R., Koechlin, H., & Büchi, S. (2020). Patient-appraised therapeutic events during inpatient psychiatric treatment. BMC Health Services Research, 20:734 doi.org/10.1186/s12913-020-05617-4 . IF: 1.9
- Locher C, Gaab J, Blease C, Inderbinen M, Kost L and Koechlin H (2020) Placebos Are Part of the Solution, Not the Problem. An Exemplification of the Case of Antidepressants in Pediatric Chronic Pain Conditions. Front. Psychiatry 10:998. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00998, IF: 2.8
- Czerniak E, Oberlander TF, Weimer K, Kossowsky J, Enck P (2020). “Placebo by proxy” and “Nocebo by proxy” in children: A review of parents’ role in treatment outcomes. Frontiers in Psychiatry 11, 169. IF: 2.8
- Frey Nascimento A, Gaab J, Kirsch I, Kossowsky J, Meyer A, Locher C (2020). Open-Label Placebo Treatment Of Women With Premenstrual Syndrome: Study Protocol Of A Randomized Controlled Trial. BMJ Open 2020;10:e032868. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032868, IF: 2.4
- Locher L*, Kossowsky J*, Koechlin H, Lam TL, Barthel J, Berde CB, Gaab J, Schwarzer G, Linde L, & Meissner K (2020). Efficacy, Safety, and Acceptability of Pharmacologic Treatments for Pediatric Migraine Prophylaxis: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis. JAMA Pediatr. Published online February 10, 2020. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2019.5856, *shared first authorship, IF: 12.0
- Blease CR, Kharko A, Locher C, DesRoches CM, Mandl KD (2020). US Primary Care in 2029: A Delphi Survey on the Impact of Machine Learning. PLOS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0239947. IF: 2.8
- Gaab J (2020). Psychobiologische Mechanismen und Risikofaktoren chronischer Erschöpfungszustände. In: Psychosomatische Medizin, Hrsg. Egle, Heim, Strauß, von Känel; Kapitel 31.1, S. 460-466. Kohlhammer Verlag
- Gaab J (2020). Diagnose und Therapie chronischer Erschöpfungszustände. In: Psychosomatische Medizin, Hrsg. Egle, Heim, Strauß, von Känel; Kapitel 31.2, S. 466-476.Kohlhammer Verlag
- Gaab, J., Gerger, H., Blease, C. & Locher, C. (2020). The Good Treatment: a biopsychosocioethical proposition. In: Person Centered Care: Advanced Philosophical Perspectives. Loughlin, M. & Miles, A. (Eds.), pp. 213-220. London: Aesculapius Medical Press.
- Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship Karin Hediger: «From bench to barn to bed: Effects and mechanisms of animal-assisted interventions» 2021 – 2026, CHF 1’634’819
- Stiftung zur Förderung von Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (2020). Computer Based Analysis of Psychotherapy Sessions to improve Clinical Practice. Antragstellende Steppan M, Fürer L, Schenk N, Schmeck K, Zimmermann R, CHF 50’000
- Thalmann-Stiftung (2020). Computer Based Analysis of Psychotherapy Sessions to improve Clinical Practice. Antragstellende Steppan M, Fürer L, Schenk N, Schmeck K, Zimmermann R, CHF 50’000
- Boston Children’s Hospital Anesthesia Research Distinguished Trailblazer Award (2020). Integrating Digital Phenotyping in the Clinical Characterization of Post-Operative and Chronic Pain Patients. Principal Investigator: PD Dr. Joe Kossowsky, $50’000
- Stiftung für psychosomatische, ganzheitliche Medizin (2020). Tiergestützte Gruppenpsychotherapie für Kinder und Jugendlichen mit psychischen und körperlichen Beschwerden. Antragstellende Milena Petignat, Dr. Helen Koechlin, Dr. Cosima Locher, CHF 40'000
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Schweiz, SNF Advanced Postdoc.Mobility/Return to CH (2020-2021): Pharmacological interventions for patients with Chronic Primary Musculoskeletal Pain – From synthesized evidence to real-world clinical practice, Antragstellende Dr. Cosima Locher, CHF 90’306
- ProPatient Forschungsstiftung Universität Basel (2020). Open-Label Placebo Treatment for Acute Postoperative Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial (OLP-POP Study). Principal investigators: Dr. med. Tobias Schneider und Dilan Sezer MSc, Mitantragstellende: Dr. med. Cordula Netzer, Prof. Dr. Jens Gaab, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Ruppen, CHF 25'000
- Fondation Botnar (2019-2023). Using Technology to Facilitate International Research on Diagnosis and Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescence including Low- and Middle-lncome Countries - A Strategy based on Direct Clinical Benefit. Principal investigator and grant recipient: Dr. phil. Ronan Zimmermann (University of Basel), CHF 748’751.
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Schweiz SNF: PostDoc Mobility Grant (2019-2021). Towards a deeper understanding of chronic pediatric pain: Exploring the role of sensory processing sensitivity. Antragsstellerin und Principal Investigator: Dr. Helen Koechlin, CHF 108’400
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Schweiz SNF: PostDoc Mobility Grant (2018-2020). Overcoming Classificatory and Methodological Hurdles to Improve Treatment of Chronic Primary Pain: A Network Meta-Analytic Approach. Antragsstellerin und Principal Investigator: Dr. Cosima Locher, CHF 108’292
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (2017-2021). Ambizione: Psychophysiological effects of animal-assisted interventions in patients with brain injury. Antragstellerin und Principal investigator: Dr. Karin Hediger, CHF 706'727
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (2017-2021). Ethical and legal regulation of Big Data research – towards a sensible and efficient use of electronic health records and social media data [BigResearchEthics]. Principal investigator and grant recipient: Prof. Dr. Elger Bernice Simone (Universität Basel), National scientific collaborator/Projektpartner: Prof. Dr. Jens Gaab, CHF 400'062
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Schweiz SNF (2016-2020). Taking the placebo further: open placebo. Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Jens Gaab, CHF 218'008
- Joe Kossowsky (2020). Boston Children’s Hospital Anesthesia Research Distinguished Ignition Award
- Marti R (2020). Student Award for best flash presentation at the 29th International Society for Anthrozoology Virtual Conference
- Hediger K (2020). ISAZ Early Career Scholar Award
- Locher C (2020). Quality Crystal Award by the CSS
- Locher C (2020). Inger Salling Price for Psychiatry (with Helen Koechlin)
- Koechlin H (2020). Inger Salling Price for Psychiatry (with Cosima Locher)
- Hediger K (2020). Inger Salling Prize for Psychiatry
- Dr. phil. Mareike Busmann: Psychopathologische Faktoren im Psychotherapieprozess bei Patienten mit Borderline Persönlichkeitsstörung und anderen Persönlichkeitsstörungen
- Dr. phil. Astrid Grossert-Leugger: Online Support for Newly Diagnosed Cancer Patients: Development, Feasibility and Efficacy of the Intervention “STREss-Aktiv-Mindern” (STREAM)
- Dr. phil. Nathalie Schenk: A Closer Look at the Therapeutic Relationship: Moments of Disruptions in the Psychotherapy of Adolescents with Borderline Personality Pathology
- Dr. phil. Nina Kind: Disrupting the Disruption Cycle: Care disruption, aggression, stress and resilience in clients and professional caregivers in youth residential care
- Dr. Roshin Kunnel John: Personality Factors and Caste Affiliation in the Education of Indian Adolescents
Master theses
- Chiara Andermatten: Expert opinions on external factors triggering mental health problems in prison: A qualitative analysis
- Denise Berger: Strukturale Analyse von Traumserien: Wegweiser für die Veränderung der Ich-Struktur im psychotherapeutischen Prozess
- Maurin Braunwarth: Outpatients’ Perspectives on Good Treatment and the Important Role of the Therapeutic Relationship – A qualitative content analysis
- Christian De Pierro: Feasibility and effects of taking cold showers: A randomized controlled study
- Bojana Degen: A Network Meta-Analysis on the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Treatments for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
- Linda Eggenschwiler: The influence of a dog’s presence on the placebo effect
- Luca Lorenz Hubschmied: The aroused change: Emotionen im Therapieprozess von Jugendlichen mit Borderline-Persönlichkeitspathologie
- Lea Hustadt: Einfluss einer tiergestützten Intervention auf die autonome Aktivität von PatientInnen im Minimally Conscious State (MCS) und einem Hund
- Marc Inderbinen: Feasibility and Acceptability of an Empowerment Workshop Targeting Internalized Stigma in Trans Persons
- Juliane Janning: Sociocultural Adjustment and Well-Being in Third Culture Kids and their Parents:The Role of Family Functioning, Marital Satisfaction and Stress
- Linda Kost: Efficacy and safety of oral medical interventions for premenstrual disorders: a network meta- analysis
- Nicole Kreuzer: The Nature of Doctor-Patient Primary Care Encounters: A Patient Perspective
- Saruga Kunaratnam: The impact of open-label/deceptive placebo on experimentally induced guilt: A randomized controlled study
- Ruben Meyer: Untersuchung von Stress bei einer Open- Label- Placebo Behandlung vom Prämenstruellen Syndrom (PMS)
- Silke Pendt: Der Einfluss der Anwesenheit eines Hundes auf die Wahrnehmung einer Versuchsleiterin anhand von Aspekten der therapeutischen Allianz
- Jessica Schmid: Effects of animal-assisted mindfulness- and self- compassion-based intervention on motivation and episodic memory of patients with acquired brain injury
- Simone Wagner: Cold Showers: Beneficial in Spite of Discomfort – A Randomized Control Trial on the Feasibility of Routine Cold Exposure and Possible Effects on Sleep Quality and Well-Being
- Constantin Schenck: Zusammenhang zwischen Beziehungsbrüchen und emotionalem Arousal in der Psychotherapie mit Borderline Persönlichkeitsstörungen
- Valérie Danielle Rosset: Patients’ and therapists’ perception on depth and smoothness in relation to the working alliance in adolescents with borderline personality pathology
- Salomé Roos: Counseling intervention for families with parental cancer diagnosis and minor children
- Janira Perrotta: Der Zusammenhang von Humor und Lachen mit gesundheitsbezogenen Aspekten in der Psychotherapie. Ein systematisches Review
- Laila Rosenthaler: Die Auswirkungen von regelmässigem kalt Duschen – Randomisierte Online-Studie zu den gesundheitlichen Effekten und der CO2-Reduktion von kalt Duschen
- Raffael Lindt: Outpatients’ perspectives on Good Treatment - A qualitative content analysis
- Vivien Ankli: Schlafedukation kombiniert mit Lichttherapie - Einfluss auf die subjektiv wahrgenommene Schlafqualität von Büroangestellten
- Rahel Hütten: The Role of Nonverbal Synchrony in the Psychotherapyof Adolescents with Borderline Personality Pathology
- Vera Bühlmann: Therapists’ emotional state after sessions in which suicidality is addressed: need for improved management of suicidal tendencies in patients with borderline personality pathology
- Carolin Birkenberger: "What do you expect? Zusammenhang zwischen Erwartungen und Therapieoutcome in der Psychotherapie mit Jugendlichen mit Borderline Persönlichkeitsstörung
Advanced Studies in Psychotherapy
The division is running three postgraduate psychotherapy trainings, which complement our contextual and humanistic understanding of psychological interventions. In 2020, the second cohort of the CAS in Motivational Interviewing was successfully completed and both the CAS in Animal-Assisted Therapy as well as the CAS in Motivational Interviewing started their third and second sold out cohort, respectively. Furthermore, the Master of Advanced Studies in Person-centered Psychotherapy started a new full cohort, thus running three cohorts currently with the new 2021 cohort starting this September. In 2021, we will also start our new Master of Advanced Studies in Process-based Psychotherapy, so stay tuned…
Program directors
- CAS in Animal-Assisted Therapy: Karin Hediger
- CAS in Motivational Interviewing: Otto Schmid
- Master of Advanced Studies in Person-centered Psychotherapy: Rainer Bürki
- Master of Advanced Studies in Process-based Psychotherapy: Andrew Gloster
Center for Psychotherapy
The Center for Psychotherapy again outperformed last years numbers in appointments, with a mean number of appointments per month of 202, which constitutes yet another increase of 24% from last year. In 2020, our specialized services for internationals and their families, for students of the University of Basel as well as animal-assisted psychotherapy at the Bäumlihof were highly sought after and we were able to meet demands by increasing the number of psychotherapist as well as consolidating our administrative processes. Furthermore, we offered cost-free corona support services to all members of the University of Basel. The mean numbers of appointments per month for 2020 and since the start of the Center for Psychotherapy are shown in the graph below.

Members of the Center for Psychotherapy 2020
- Directorate: Jens Gaab, Karin Hediger, Nadja Heimgartner, Milena Petignat
- Head of Administration: Marc Inderbinen
- Administration: Lena Greschner
- Psychotherapists: Jens Gaab, Karin Hediger, Nadja Heimgartner, Cora Wagner, Milena Petignat, Debora Neyer, Marnie Reed, Emma Jones, Daniela Taborelli, Salvator Corbisiero, Rahel Marti, Antje Frey Nascimento, Dilan Sezer, Sarah Bürgler, Süheyla Seker, Wanda Arnskötter, Marc Bohny