2021: Reset
2021 was fast, is it really over? Having minimal social contact seemingly impacts the perception of time... Amidst all the uncertainties and restrictions caused by a very small (submicroscopic, in fact!) agent, the division performed and transformed like never before. First, we had quite a number of SNSF grants running and/or starting (summing up to overall CHF 4.6 mio on current grants), which consequently left their marks in the composition of the group: Karin started her independent SNSF Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship in October at our Faculty and Cosima and Helen finallly set sails to establish themselves at the UZH. Also, Joey finished his postdoc at the division, now being assistant professor at Harvard Medical School! Second, we are again exceeded any previous numbers in teaching, with 39 mastertheses and 5 PhD's. Comfortingly and third, this did not prevent us from publishing overall 46 papers, chapter and books (with a summed-up impact factor of 117.8), with again exceeded anything we have seen and achieved before. Furthermore and fourth, our four postgraduate trainings were fully booked out and running successfully, now serving over 100 students! Also, our Center for Psychotherapy (again!) increased its services by over 30%, with now an six-fold increase since its start a decade ago. All this is as much humbling as wonderful and fully down to a most skilled, clever, hard-working and devoted team. But as the motto of 2021 suggest, there will be a reset. We started 10 years ago as a small group and as the growth of the team and its output as much as the sucess of our Advanced Studies in Psychotherapy and Center for Psychotherapy was wonderful to watch, it also led to the development of careers and units, which have and need their existence and development on their own. So, in order to stay lean, flexible and competitive, the division will be resized in numbers as well as transfer its postgraduate trainings and psychotherapy services in newly developed profit centers in the Faculty of Psychology. Metaphorically, we thus undergo some self-inflicted arboriculture and happily watch our siblings grow... Humbly at your service, JG/March 2022
Members of the division 2021
Antje Frey Nascimento, Nadja Heimgartner, Magdalena Ridder, Dilan Sezer, Mareike Rytz, Judith Alder, Cosima Locher, Berfin Bakis, Karin Hediger, Sarah Bürgler, Yoon Phaik Ooi, Sara Hotz, Joe Kossowsky, Jana Hochreuter, Rainer Bürki, Carmina Grob, Bojana Degen, Lena Greschner, Anja Holder, Marc Inderbinen, Linda Kost, Helen Koechlin, Emma Marchal-Jones, Milena Petignat, Marnie Reed, Rahel Marti, Otto Schmid, Ronan Zimmermann, Clara Bruhin, Cora Wagner and Jens Gaab
Publications 2021 (total impact factor: 117.8)
- Tan, Y. R., Ooi, Y. P., Ang, R. P., Goh, D. H., Kwan, C., Fung, D. S., & Sung, S. C. (2021). Feasibility trial of virtual reality exposure therapy for selective mutism. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1177/13591045211056920, IF: 2.5
- Korwisi, B., Barke, A., Kharko, A., Bruhin, C., Locher, C., & Koechlin, H. (2021). Not really nice: a commentary on the recent version of NICE guidelines [NG193: chronic pain (primary and secondary) in over 16s: assessment of all chronic pain and management of chronic primary pain] by the Pain Net. Pain reports, 6(4), e961. https://doi.org/10.1097/PR9.0000000000000961, IF: 2.8
- Guedj R, Marini M, Kossowsky J, Berde C, Mateo C, Fleegler EW. Explicit and implicit bias based on race, ethnicity, and weight among pediatric emergency physicians. Acad Emerg Med. 2021 Sep;28(9):1073-1076. doi: 10.1111/acem.14301. Epub 2021 Jun 28. PMID: 34032346. IF: 3.5
- Koechlin H, Kharko A, Probst T, Pradela J, Buechi S and Locher C (2021) Placebo Responses and Their Clinical Implications in Fibromyalgia: A Meta-Analysis Using SSRI and SNRI Trials. Front. Pain Res. 2:750523. doi: 10.3389/fpain.2021.750523
- D'Alessandro G, Ruffini N, Iacopini A, Annoni M, Kossowsky J, Cerritelli F (2021). Overcoming placebo-related challenges in manual therapy trials: The ‘whats and hows’ and the ‘touch equality assumption’proposals. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine 42, 5-10. IF: 2.1
- Brupbacher G, Gerger H, Zander-Schellenberg T, Straus D, Porschke H, Gerber M, von Känel R, Schmidt-Trucksäss A. Reply to Hertenstein et al.'s commentary on Brupbacher et al.: The effects of exercise on sleep in unipolar depression: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Sleep Med Rev. 2021 Dec;60:101562. doi: 10.1016/j.smrv.2021.101562. Epub 2021 Oct 29. PMID: 34823133.
- Kossowsky J, Schuler MS, Giulianini F, Berde CB, Reis B, Ridker PM, Buring JE, Kurth T, Chasman DI. Association of Genetic Variants With Migraine Subclassified by Clinical Symptoms in Adult Females. Front Neurol. 2021 Feb 12;11:617472. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2020.617472. PMID: 33643179; PMCID: PMC7907521. IF: 0.4
- Bühlmann, V., Schlüter-Müller, S., Fürer, L, Steppan M, Birkhölzer M, Schmeck K, Koenig J, Kaess M & Zimmermann R (2021). Therapists’ emotional state after sessions in which suicidality is addressed: need for improved management of suicidal tendencies in patients with borderline personality pathology. BMC Psychiatry 21, 590. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12888-021-03549-9, IF: 3.4
- Siegrist, V., Mata, R., Langewitz, W., Gerger, H., Furger, S., Hertwig, R., & Bingisser, R. (2021). Does information structuring improve recall of discharge information? A cluster randomized clinical trial.PLOS ONE16(10), e0257656. IF: 3.2
- Eberle K, grosse Holtforth M, Inderbinen M, Gaab J, Trachsel M. (in press). Informed consent in psychotherapy: a survey on attitudes and experiences among psychotherapists in Switzerland. BMC Medical ethics, IF: 2.5
- Ehrbar V, Roos S, Denzinger A, Bingisser MB, Scherer S, Gaab J, Vetter M, Heinzelmann-Schwarz V, Urech C (2021). Managing Cancer as a Family Disease-Feasibility, Satisfaction and Family Functioning after Short-Time Counselling for Families with Parental Cancer. The Family Journal, doi:10.1177/10664807211052484, IF: 0.9
- Wagner C, Gaab J, Locher C, Hediger K (2021). Lack of Effects of the Presence of a Dog on Pain Perception in Healthy Participants: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Front. Pain Res., 05 November 2021, doi.org/10.3389/fpain.2021.714469
- Sezer D, De Leeuw M, Netzer CM, Dieterle M, Meyer AH, Buergler S, Locher L, Ruppen W, Gaab J, Schneider T (2021). Open-Label Placebo Treatment for Acute Postoperative Pain (OLP- POP Study): Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in Medicine, IF: 5.1
- Koechlin, H., Beeckman, M., Meier, A., Locher, C., Goubert, L., Kossowsky, J., & Simons, L. E. (in press). Association of parental and adolescent emotion-related factors with adolescent chronic pain behaviors.PAIN, https://journals.lww.com/pain/Abstract/9000/Association_of_parental_and_adolescent.97860.aspx, IF: 7.0
- Locher C, Buergler S, Frey Nascimento A, Kost L, Blease C, Gaab J (2021). Lay perspectives of the open-label placebo rationale: A qualitative study of participants in an experimental trial. BMJ Open 2021;11:e053346. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2021-053346, IF: 2.7
- Gaab J (in press). Proof of efficacy is no proof of validity in psychotherapy (Commentary on Ratnayake S). Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, IF: 0.3
- Zimmermann R, Fürer L, Kleinbub JR, Ramseyer FT, Hütten R, Steppan M and Schmeck K (2021) Movement Synchrony in the Psychotherapy of Adolescents With Borderline Personality Pathology – A Dyadic Trait Marker for Resilience? Front. Psychol. 12:660516. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.660516, IF: 2.1
- Trachsel M, Gaab J, Biller-Andorno N, Tekin S, Sadler J (2021). The Oxford Handbook of Psychotherapy Ethics. Oxford University Press,DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198817338.001.0001
- Seker, S., Boonmann, C., Gerger, H., Jäggi, L., d’Huart, D., Schmeck, K., Schmid, M. Mental disorders among adults formerly in out-of-home care: a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00787-021-01828-0, IF: 3.9
- Guedj R, Marini M, Kossowsky J, Berde C, Mateo C, Fleegler EW (2021). Explicit and implicit bias based on race, ethnicity, and weight among pediatric emergency physicians. Academic Emergency Medicine, IF: 3.1
- Walther LM, von Känel R, Heimgartner N, Zuccarella-Hackl C, EhlertU, Wirtz PH (2021). Altered Cardiovascular Reactivity to and Recovery from Cold Face Test-Induced Parasympathetic Stimulation in Essential Hypertension. J Clin Med, 10, 2714. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm10122714, IF: 3.3
- Bernstein BH, Fuchs N, Rosenfield M, Weiss AP, Blease C, Locher C, Magill M, Rich J, Beaudoin F (2021). Treating pain with open-label placebos: A qualitative study with post-surgical pain patients. The Journal of Pain. doi.org/10.1016/j.jpain.2021.05.001, IF: 4.6
- Heimgartner N, Meier S, Grolimund S, Ponti S, Arpagaus S, Kappeler F, Gaab J (in press). Randomized controlled evaluation of the psychophysiological effects of social support stress management in healthy women. PLOS ONE, IF: 2.7
- Vincent A, Beck K, Becker C, Zumbrunn S, Ramin-Wright M, Urben T, Quinto A; Schaefert R, Meinlschmidt G, Gaab J, Reinhardt T, Bassetti S, Schuetz P, Hunziker S (in press). Long-term psychological burden in COVID-19 patients and their relatives: a prospective observational cohort study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, IF: 2.9
- Vincent A, Urben T, Becker C, Beck K, Daetwyler C, Wilde M, Gaab J, Langewitz W, Hunziker S (in press). Breaking Bad News – a randomized controlled trial to test a novel interactive course for medical students using blended learning. Patient Education and Counseling, IF: 2.6
- Annoni M, Bürgler S, Stewart-Ferrer S and Blease C (2021). Placebo Studies and Patient Care: Where Are the Nurses? Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12:591913. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.591913, IF: 2.8
- Inderbinen M, Schaefer K, Gaab J, Garcia Nuñez D (in press). Relationship of Internalized Transnegativity and Protective Factors with Depression, Anxiety, Non-suicidal Self-injury and Suicidal Tendency in Trans Populations: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.636513/full, IF: 2.8
- Blease C, Kharko A, Annoni M, Gaab J, Locher L (in press). Machine Learning in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Education: A Mixed Methods Pilot Survey of Postgraduate Students at a Swiss University. Frontiers in Public Health, IF: 0.7
- Werner C, Birkhäuer B, Locher C, Gerger H, Heimgartner N, Colagiuri B, Gaab J (2021).Price information influences the subjective experience of wine: A framed field experiment. Food Quality and Preference, 92, 104223. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodqual.2021.104223. IF: 4.8
- Arnskötter, W., Marcar, V., Hund-Georgiadis, M. & Hediger, K. (2021) Animal presence modulates frontal brain activity of patients in a minimally conscious state: A pilot study. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, https://doi.org/10.1080/09602011.2021.1886119. IF: 2.6
- Wicht, C.A., Mouthon, M., Nsimire Chabwine, J., Gaab, J. & Spierer L. (in press). Experience with opioids does not modify the brain network involved in expectations of placebo analgesia. European Journal of Neuroscience. IF: 3.1
- Busmann M, Meyer AH, Wrege J, Gaab J, Lang UE, Walter M, Euler S (2021). Vulnerable narcissism as beneficial factor for the therapeutic alliance in borderline personality disorder. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpp.2570. IF: 2.6
- Hediger K, Wagner J, Künzi P, Theis F, Haefeli A & Gerger H (in press) Animal-assisted intervention and posttraumatic stress disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, IF: 3.4
- Koechlin H, Kossowsky J, Lan Lam T Barthel J, Gaab J, Berde C, Schwarzer, Linde L, Meissner K, & Locher C (2021). Non-pharmacological interventions for pediatric migraine: A network meta-analysis. Pediatrics. doi: 10.1542/2020-000123. IF: 5.4
- Gerger H, Werner CP, Gaab J, & Cuijpers P (in press). Comparative efficacy and acceptability of expressive writing treatments compared with psychotherapy, other writing treatments, and waiting list control for adult trauma survivors: A systematic review and network meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine, IF: 5.8
- Blease C, Kharko A, Hägglund M, O'Neill S, Wachenheim D, Salmi L, Harcourt K, Locher C, DesRoches CM, Torous J. The benefits and harms of open notes in mental health: A Delphi survey of international experts. PLoS One. 2021 Oct 13;16(10):e0258056. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258056. PMID: 34644320; PMCID: PMC8513879. IF: 2.7
- Brupbacher G, Gerger H, Zander-Schellenberg T, Straus D, Porschke H, Gerber M, von Känel R, & Schmidt-Trucksäss A (in Druck). The effects of aerobic, resistance, and meditative movement exercise on sleep in individuals with depression: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Sleep Medicine Reviews IF: 9.6
- Evers A, W, M, Colloca L, Blease C, Gaab J, Jensen K, B, Atlas L, Y, Beedie C, J, Benedetti F, Bingel U, Büchel C, Bussemaker J, Colagiuri B, Crum A, J, Finniss D, G, Geers A, L, Howick J, Klinger R, Meeuwis S, H, Meissner K, Napadow V, Petrie K, J, Rief W, Smeets I, Wager T, D, Wanigasekera V, Vase L, Kelley J, M, Kirsch I: “Consensus on Placebo and Nocebo Effects Connects Science with Practice:” Reply to “Questioning the Consensus on Placebo and Nocebo Effects”. Psychother Psychosom 2021. doi: 10.1159/000514435
- Kossowsky J, Shuler M, Giulianini F, Berde CB, Reis B, Ridker P, Buring J, Kurth T, Chasman D (in Press). Association of genetic variants with migraine sub-classified by clinical symptoms in adult females. Frontiers in Neurology. IF: 2.9
- Trachsel M, Gaab J, Tekin S, Biller-Andorno N, Salder JZ (in press). Why ethics matter in Psychotherapy. Oxford Handbook of Psychotherapy Ethics. Oxford University Press.
- Gaab J, Locher C, Trachsel M (2021). The Ethics of Placebo and Nocebo in Psychotherapy. Oxford Handbook of Psychotherapy Ethics. Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198817338.013.32
- Weise S, Parzer P, Fürer L, Zimmermann R, Schmeck K, Resch F, Kaess M, Koenig J (in press). Autonomic Nervous System Activity and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Outcome in Adolescent Borderline Personality Disorder. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry. IF: 4.2
- Hediger K (in press) Global Best Practices in Applying AAI: Integrating animals into neurorehabilitation. In: Fine A. (Ed). Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy, Foundations and Guidelines for Animal-Assisted Interventions. 5th edition. San Diego: Academic Press.
- Kossowsky J, Magane K, Levy S, Weitzman ER (In Press). Marijuana Use to Address Symptoms and Side Effects by Youth with Chronic Medical Conditions. Pediatrics. IF: 5.4
- Enders-Slegers M-J, Hediger K, Beetz A, Jegatheeson B & Turner DC (in press). AAI in an international perspective: trends, research and practices. In: Fine A. (Ed). Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy, Foundations and Guidelines for Animal-Assisted Interventions. 5th edition. San Diego: Academic Press
- Koechlin, H. & Hediger, K. (in press). Das Potential tiergestützter Therapie zur Behandlung chronischer Schmerzen im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Verhaltenstherapie mit Kindern und Jugendlichen – Zeitschrift für die psychosoziale Praxis
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Schweiz, Ambizione (2022-2025). Placebo effects in opioid therapy: Clinical relevance and potential use for patients with Chronic Primary Pain. Antragstellende Dr. Cosima Locher, CHF 808'339.
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Schweiz, Postdoc.Mobility-Rückkehrbeitrag (2022-2023): Safe and effective treatments for pediatric patients with chronic pain: Where do we stand and how do we best disseminate our scientific findings? Antragsstellende Dr. Helen Koechlin, CHF 114’383
- Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship Karin Hediger: «From bench to barn to bed: Effects and mechanisms of animal-assisted interventions» 2021 – 2026, CHF 1’634’819
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Schweiz, SNF Advanced Postdoc.Mobility/Return to CH (2020-2021): Pharmacological interventions for patients with Chronic Primary Musculoskeletal Pain – From synthesized evidence to real-world clinical practice, Antragstellende Dr. Cosima Locher, CHF 90’306
- ProPatient Forschungsstiftung Universität Basel (2020). Open-Label Placebo Treatment for Acute Postoperative Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial (OLP-POP Study). Principal investigators: Dr. med. Tobias Schneider und Dilan Sezer MSc, Mitantragstellende: Dr. med. Cordula Netzer, Prof. Dr. Jens Gaab, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Ruppen, CHF 25'000
- Fondation Botnar (2019-2023). Using Technology to Facilitate International Research on Diagnosis and Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder in Adolescence including Low- and Middle-lncome Countries - A Strategy based on Direct Clinical Benefit. Principal investigator and grant recipient: Dr. phil. Ronan Zimmermann (University of Basel), CHF 748’751.
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Schweiz SNF: PostDoc Mobility Grant (2019-2021). Towards a deeper understanding of chronic pediatric pain: Exploring the role of sensory processing sensitivity. Antragsstellerin und Principal Investigator: Dr. Helen Koechlin, CHF 108’400
- Cora Wagner (2021). antelope - Competitive Career Program for Promising Young Female Researcher, Diversity, University of Basel. CHF 1'000
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (2017-2021). Ambizione: Psychophysiological effects of animal-assisted interventions in patients with brain injury. Antragstellerin und Principal investigator: Dr. Karin Hediger, CHF 706'727
- Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (2017-2021). Ethical and legal regulation of Big Data research – towards a sensible and efficient use of electronic health records and social media data [BigResearchEthics]. Principal investigator and grant recipient: Prof. Dr. Elger Bernice Simone (Universität Basel), National scientific collaborator/Projektpartner: Prof. Dr. Jens Gaab, CHF 400'062
- Dr. phil. Stefanie Neubrand: The missing construct: Impathy – Conceptualization, operationalization, and clinical considerations
- Dr. phil. Evelin Hug: Stress in Healthy Young Women: Psychophysiological Stress Reactivity, Adverse Childhood Experience and Chronotype
- Dr. phil. Lukas Fürer: Assessment of affective and conversational trajectories in psychotherapy with adolescents suffering from borderline personality disorder
- Dr. phil. Can Nakkas: Psychological distress, coping, and emotional regulation in Swiss recruits, junior cadre and officers: Results from cross-sectional studies
- Dr. phil. Antje Frey Nascimento: On the Healing Pathway – Zooming in on Patient-Provider Roles and Interactions in Psychotherapy
Master theses
- Anina Dettwiler: Believe it or not: Open-label placebos and imaginary pills help in test anxiety - a randomized controlled trial
- Laura Caci: Effectiveness of clowning interventions on pain and anxiety of children in the hospital setting: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Daniel Vosseberg: Kaltduschen – Durchführbarkeit und Effekte – Eine randomisierte kontrollierte Studie
- Deborah Mächler: The Role of Placebo Beliefs in Open-Label Placebo Effects in Patients with Acute Postoperative Low Back Pain: Preliminary Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial
- Sophie Dieffenbacher: Where to go after imprisonment – strategies to overcome stigmatization of older adults when searching for placement after release: a qualitative assessment
- Surya Esser: An exploratory mixed methods study on the effects of intensive traditional Zen retreats on experienced practitioners
- Frick, Frieda Maria Flora: Race Congruence and Acceptability of Open-Label Placebo Treatment
- Alina Gees: Zusammenhang der Ich-Stärke im Traum und dem psychotherapeutischen Prozess: Eine quantitative und qualitative Analyse mit der Methodik der Strukturalen Traumanalyse
- Greschner, Lena: Sociocultural Adjustment and Well-Being: A Comparison between Third Culture Kids in Local and International Schools
- Carmina Grob: Effects of Animal-Assisted Therapy on Social Cognition, Well-Being and Therapy Motivation in Patients with Acquired Brain Injury: A Pilot Study
- Anna Haefeli: Effects of Animal-Assisted Therapy on Social Behaviour in Patients with Acquired Brain Injury: A Randomised Controlled Preliminary Trial
- Laudelina Taboas Hidalgo: Recidivism among older incarcerated persons: A qualitative analysis of age-related changes and their implications for risk assessment
- Anja Holder: Wirksamkeit einer open-label Placebobehandlung auf die gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität und Beziehungszufriedenheit bei Frauen mit prämenstruellem Syndrom (PMS)
- Jana Huber: Eine gute psychotherapeutische Behandlung aus der Perspektive von ambulant Behandelten und Therapierenden – Eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse
- Lea Imhof: Verlaufsmuster von Traumserien im Zusammenhang mit dem Verlauf der Psychotherapie: Eine quantitative und qualitative Analyse mit der Methodik der Strukturalen Traumanalyse
- Jenny Samuel: Effects of Open-Label Placebo Treatment on Experimentally Induced Guilt
- Gottstein, Julia Irina: The effect of deceptive placebo and open- label placebo on experimentally induced guilt: A randomized controlled trial
- Lisa Kissling: Untersuchung der Traummuster von Patienten mit einer gering integrierten Persönlichkeitsstruktur– eine qualitative und quantitative Analyse mit der Methodik der Strukturalen Traumanalyse
- Mara Huber: Associations between childhood adversity, mental health problems, and telomere length in a high-risk sample of young adults
- Marlon Enzmann: Placebo Mechanisms on Test Anxiety – A Thematic Analysis on Attitudes and Experiences with the Open-Label Placebo and Imaginary Pill Intervention
- Kimberly McGowan: Pain Concepts of Swiss Pediatricians: A Qualitative Study
- Meyer Leila: Psychological stressors of imprisonment and their influence on well-being and coping of older incarcerated persons
- Diego Meyerhans: The Influence of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) or Psychosocial Interventions on the Effect of Naltrexone or Placebo in the Treatment of Alcoholism: Systematic Review and a Meta-Analysis
- Suzana Mirakaj: Der Vergleich zur Effektivität der Wirkung von Medikamenten- und Placebotherapie auf die Behandlung von Alkoholabhängigkeit: Eine Meta-Analyse
- Chi Tam Nguyen: The association between personality and tinnitus - personality traits as possible predictors for therapy outcome
- Osswald Marie-Theres: Gesundheitliche Effekte von Kaltduschen - Eine randomisierte kontrollierte Onlinestudie
- Laura Petri: The impact of a comprehensive treatment rationale and expectancy on open-label-placebo effects in premenstrual syndrome: a randomized controlled trial
- Julia Patricia Pradela: SSRIs and SNRIs in the treatment of pain and depression in patients with fibromyalgia: A frequentist network meta-analysis
- Tamara Probst: Efficacy of SSRIs and SNRIs on pain and functional disability in patients with fibromyalgia: A frequentist network meta-analysis
- Rea Hoppler: The effect of open-label placebo treatment on postoperative morphine consumption in patients with acute pain: preliminary results of a randomized controlled trial
- Bendel Rebecca: The effect of deceptive and open-label placebo interventions on experimentally induced guilt
- Rytz, Mareike: Exploring Two Pathways in Which a Dog Could Potentially Contribute to Therapeutic Alliance: People's Attitude Towards Dogs and Intensity of Interaction
- Saameli Marcelle Ariane: An Open-label Placebo Treatment Approach for Women with Premenstrual Syndrome: A Randomized Controlled Trial about the Role of a Treatment Rationale and Expectancy on Symptoms and Interference
- Sara Schmidli: Die Effekte des Duschens mit kaltem Wasser – Randomisierte Online-Studie zu den gesundheitlichen Effekten und der CO2-Reduktion beim Duschen mit kaltem Wasser
- Rahel Schmidlin: Perspektiven auf die Psychotherapeutische Beziehung – Unterschiede zwischen ambulanten Patient*innen und Therapeut*innen zu einer guten psychotherapeutischen Behandlung mit Fokus auf die psychotherapeutische Beziehung – eine qualitative Inhaltsanalyse
- Silvano Zwick: 12 Wochen lang kalt geduscht? Bedeutung für Gesundheit und Umwelt sowie Durchführbarkeit und Compliance von kaltem Duschen – Eine randomisierte kontrollierte Onlinestudie
- Jorinde Aurelia Straub: Tiergestützte Gruppentherapie bei Kindern mit chronischen Schmerzen
- Jasmin Treder: Einflussfaktoren auf schwierige Meditationserfahrungen: Persönlichkeit und psychische Vorbelastung
- Yannick Böhlen: Cold vs. Cold: The Effects of Cold Showering on Well-being and Health
Advanced Studies in Psychotherapy
The division is now hosts four postgraduate psychotherapy trainings, which complement our contextual, processual and humanistic understanding of psychological interventions. In 2021, all our trainings (CAS in Motivational Interviewing, CAS in Animal-Assisted Therapy, Master of Advanced Studies in Person-centered Psychotherapy and the Master of Advanced Studies in Process-based Psychotherapy) were running on full steam and in several cohorts, summing up to over 100 students. In 2022, the postgraduate training will be reorgaized in the profit center Advances Studies in Psychology as an autonomous unit within the Faculty, so stay tuned…
Magdalena Ridder
Chairs of the program committees
- CAS in Animal-Assisted Therapy: Prof. Dr. Karin Hediger
- CAS in Motivational Interviewing: Dr. Otto Schmid
- Master of Advanced Studies in Person-centered Psychotherapy: Rainer Bürki
- Master of Advanced Studies in Process-based Psychotherapy: Prof. Dr. Andrew Gloster
Center for Psychotherapy
The Center for Psychotherapy keeps on growing and we again outperformed last years numbers in appointments, with a mean number of appointments per month of 317, which constitutes yet another increase of 36% from last year. In 2021, our expanded our specialized services for internationals and their families, for students of the University of Basel as well as animal-assisted psychotherapy at the Bäumlihof substantially and our cost-free corona support services to all members of the University of Basel was highly sought after. The mean numbers of appointments per month for 2021 and since the start of the Center for Psychotherapy are shown in the graph below.

Members of the Center for Psychotherapy 2021
- Directorate: Jens Gaab, Karin Hediger, Nadja Heimgartner
- Head of Administration: Marc Inderbinen
- Administration: Sara Hotz, Jana Hochreuter
- Psychotherapists: Jens Gaab, Karin Hediger, Nadja Heimgartner, Mayte Parada, Cora Wagner, Milena Petignat, Cosima Locher, Carmina Grob, Debora Neyer, Marc Inderbinen, Marnie Reed, Bojana Degen, Emma Jones, Daniela Taborelli, Judith Leisibach, Elena Pauli, Salvator Corbisiero, Johanna Hersberger, Rahel Marti, Antje Frey Nascimento, Dilan Sezer, Sarah Bürgler, Süheyla Seker, Sarah Müller, Wanda Arnskötter, Marc Bohny