M Sc Christiane Büttner

Assistentin / Doktorandin (Sozialpsychologie)


Missionsstrasse 64A
4055 Basel

Portrait Christiane Büttner

About me

I started my PhD at the Department of Social Psychology in September 2020.

In my research, I am interested in understanding how people experience social interactions in their daily life, particularly, how they experience being excluded or ignored. To investigate these experiences, I use experience sampling, a method where participants' smartphones are used as sampling devices in their daily life.
Find out more about my SNSF-funded PhD Project: "Everyday experiences of ostracism - an experience sampling approach".

I also research how digital technologies and social media influence social interactions (e.g., on Instagram, or when people experience phubbing, that means, feeling ignored because someone uses a phone in a social interaction). 

My research also concerns consequences of feeling excluded and ignored and I examine why people decide to exclude others in the first place. 

Let's get in touch via Researchgate, Linkedin, or Twitter!
